Marine Studies M.M.S.

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Minimum Requirements for Marine Studies M.M.S.: 30 credits

General University Requirements
Complete the graduate general university requirements.
Master’s Degree Requirements
Complete the master’s degree requirements.
Marine Studies Program Requirements 1
Complete the following:
MBI F603Current Topics in Marine Science1
MBI F606Marine Studies Capstone Project Seminar2
MBI F698Non-thesis Research/Project (Advisor-approved project)3
Oceanography Core
Complete one of the following:3-4
Concepts in Physical Oceanography
Physical Oceanography
Fisheries Oceanography
Biological Oceanography
Chemical Oceanography
Marine Biology Core
Complete one of the following:3
Marine Biology
Physiology of Marine Organisms
Polar Marine Science
Fisheries Core
Complete one of the following:3
Human Dimensions of Environmental Systems
Fish Ecology
Fisheries Management
Professional Development Core
Complete one of the following:3-4
Data Analysis in Biology
Modern Applied Statistics for Fisheries
Quantitative Fish Population Dynamics
Statistical Computing with R
Data Analysis in Community Ecology
Data Visualization in Fisheries
Quantitative Analysis for Marine Policy Decisions
Scientific Writing Techniques
Professional Development
Proposal Writing
Computer Programming for Scientific Applications
Regression and Analysis of Variance
STAT F401 Laboratory
Applied Multivariate Statistics
Spatial Statistics
Time Series
Nonparametric Statistics and Machine Learning
Categorical Data Analysis
Data Analysis in Biology
Complete 12 credits of electives. Any core class not used to satisfy the core requirement can be used as an elective. 312
Total Credits30-32

Students may also complete these credits with individual/directed studies in place of the regularly scheduled classes listed. No more than 12 credits of special topics courses or individual study may be used towards the degree.


The project will be determined in conjunction with the major advisor and the committee. 


Electives will be selected based on student interest, relatedness to degree and approval by their major advisor and committee. 


ACNS F654International Law and the Environment3
ACNS F656Science, Technology and Politics3
ACNS F657Comparative Indigenous Rights and Policies3
ACNS F669Arctic Politics and Governance3
BIOL F604Scientific Writing, Editing and Revising in the Biological Sciences3
BIOL F618Biogeography3
BIOL F630Plant Physiology and Development3
BIOL F631Population Genetics3
BIOL F657Environmental Microbiology3
BIOL F686Vertebrate Paleontology3
FISH F427Ichthyology4
FISH F605Communicating Science to the Public2
FISH F616Indigenous Fisheries of Alaska3
FISH F621Estimation of Fish Abundance3
FISH F625Population Dynamics of Vertebrates3
FISH F626Behavioral Ecology of Fishes3
FISH F628Physiological Ecology of Fishes3
FISH F633Pacific Salmon Life Histories3
FISH F641Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management2
FISH F645Bioeconomic Modeling and Fisheries Management3
FISH F651Aquatic Conservation and Management Genetics3
FISH F671Foundations of Marine Policy and Ocean Governance3
FISH F672Law and Fisheries3
FISH F673International Maritime Law and IUU Fishing3
FISH F674Economic Development for Fish-dependent Communities3
FISH F675Political Ecology3
JOUR F476Advanced Digital Photography Portfolio3
JOUR F480Documentary Filmmaking3
JOUR F629Public Relations and Public Information in the Sciences3
MBI F410Marine Bird Ecology and Conservation3
MBI F482Human Impacts to the Marine Biosphere3
MBI F605Controversies in Marine Science1
MBI F612Early Life Histories of Marine Invertebrates3
MBI F619Biology of Marine Mammals3
MBI F623Nearshore Ecology Field Course2
MBI F650Marine Biology and Ecology Field Course2
MBI F652Marine Ecosystems3
MBI F654Benthic Ecology3
MBI F656Kelp Forest Ecology2
MBI F661Stable Isotope Techniques in Environmental Research3
MBI F667Ecology and Physiology of Marine Macroalgae3
MBI F676Aquatic Food Web Ecology3
NRM F407Environmental Law3
NRM F430Resource Management Planning3
NRM F435GIS Analysis4
NRM F638GIS Programming3
NRM F641Natural Resource Applications of Remote Sensing3
NRM F647Sustainability in the Changing North3
STO F601Communicating Science2
STO F602Mentoring in the Sciences2
STO F603Instructional Design1
STO F666Scientific Teaching2
STO F692PCurrent Topics in Scientific Teaching1

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Admission Requirements

Complete the following admission requirement:

  • Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Submit GRE scores

Admission requests will be reviewed throughout the year. There is no financial support for students in this program

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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes are measurable statements that describe knowledge or skills achieved by students upon completion of the program.

Students graduating from this program will be able to:

  • Develop a research project pertaining to the field of study that presents a well-formulated objective, and develops, creates, evaluates, and/or synthesizes relevant published literature, scientific data, educational displays, science communication etc.
  • Deliver an oral presentation of their project in a collegial, public, and/or professional setting, and field questions related to their presentation with confidence
  • Demonstrate mastery of core knowledge in marine science
  • Gather, interpret, synthesize, and apply scientific information to current issues