Marine Biology

Department Overview
The Marine Biology Department is an academic and research group with faculty who work on the ecology, physiology and biochemistry/molecular biology of marine organisms, and investigate their interaction with the environment. Climate change research is a focus of many of our faculty. We focus primarily on Alaska and high-latitude systems, working from shore-based labs and oceanographic vessels with local community assistance.
B.S., Fisheries and Marine Science
The undergraduate program in the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences offers students a broad education and training in fisheries biology, ecology, marine biology, oceanography, and related fields. In addition to rigorous scientific coursework, students engage in internships or research projects with professionals from various organizations, including local, state, federal, tribal, university, and private sectors.
The B.S. degree in fisheries and marine sciences prepares graduates for careers as professionals in fisheries and aquatic management, research, conservation, education, policy, and industry organizations. Typically, graduates secure employment with governmental agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and academic institutions, both in Alaska and throughout North America. The program also provides a solid foundation for pursuing related graduate studies that will enable entry into careers in advanced research, management, administration, and teaching roles.
The undergraduate program is administered through the Troth Yeddha' Campus in Fairbanks, and all fisheries and marine sciences courses (excluding field courses) are offered via distance education to accommodate students in outlying areas.
Minimum Requirements for Fisheries and Marine Sciences Bachelor's Degrees: 121 credits
Learn more about the bachelor’s degree in fisheries and marine sciences, including an overview of the program, career opportunities, and more.
M.S., Ph.D., Marine Biology
The marine biology graduate program focuses on the biology, ecology, physiology and biodiversity of marine organisms. Students may pursue either an M.S. or Ph.D. degree in marine biology. Our graduate students are afforded excellent opportunities for laboratory and field research. Our faculty conduct research in Fairbanks, the Kasitsna Bay Laboratory near Homer, the Juneau College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at Lena Point, the Seward Marine Center and the Alaska SeaLife Center. Students may conduct fieldwork in a variety of locations, including but not limited to the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, the Aleutian Islands and other coastal areas around Alaska. Our college also operates the coastal research vessel Nanuq and the ice-capable Sikuliaq, a University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System vessel.
Students considering graduate study in marine biology should have a strong background in biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, ecology, evolution or a related field. Students are admitted on the basis of their academic qualifications, research experience and the ability of the program to provide mentorship in their particular area of research interest. The Marine Biology Department is an equal-opportunity program, and we encourage students from diverse backgrounds to apply. We review requests for admission throughout the year. Students must contact potential faculty advisors before applying.
Minimum Requirements for Marine Biology Degrees: M.S.: 30 credits; Ph.D.: 18 thesis credits
M.M.S., Marine Studies
The M.M.S. degree offers a broad degree program, which can include topics such as marine ecology, organismal biology, ecosystem processes and oceanography. Students will select courses offered by the graduate program in Marine Biology and a variety of electives administered through several programs and departments, including fisheries, oceanography, statistics, biology and wildlife, journalism, communication, natural resource management and others. While the M.M.S. degree is primarily based on a project instead of a research-oriented thesis, M.M.S. graduate students are still afforded excellent opportunities for laboratory and field experiences. Laboratory facilities are available in Fairbanks, the Kasitsna Bay Laboratory near Homer, the Juneau College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at Lena Point, the Seward Marine Center and the Alaska SeaLife Center. Our college also operates the coastal research vessel Nanuq and the ice-capable Sikuliaq, a University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System vessel.
Students considering an M.M.S. degree should have an undergraduate degree (B.A. or B.S.) in a related field. Students are admitted on the basis of their ability and the capability of the program to meet their particular interests and needs. Faculty review requests for admission throughout the year. As a non-thesis masters' program, students do not typically receive stipend support from teaching or research assistantships.
Minimum Requirements for Marine Studies Master's Degree: 30 credits
Minor, Marine Science
The marine science minor is available to students in all degree programs. Students explore concepts in all areas of marine science (biological, chemical, physical and geological) and can obtain practical expertise through elective field courses. The minor is particularly useful to students in disciplines such as earth sciences, biology and wildlife, environmental science, political science, engineering, resource management and education, as these students will benefit from knowledge of the marine system for possible career paths in resource management, the seafood industry, education, instrumentation engineering, policymaking, etc.
Students who complete the minor in marine science will possess a knowledge base and skill set that will make them more competitive for a wide variety of agency and organization positions, particularly within coastal states. The education and training will be applicable to jobs within government management agencies such as the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as well as Alaska Native organizations, nonprofit conservation organizations, the seafood industry, the tourism industry, or in other policy development, fisheries, education or outreach capacities.
The College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences also offers a B.S. degree in Fisheries and Marine Science with optional concentrations in fisheries, marine biology or oceanography.
- B.S., Fisheries and Marine Sciences
- M.M.S., Marine Studies
- M.S., Marine Biology
- Ph.D., Marine Biology
Marine Biology (MBI)
MBI F102 Fact or Fishin': Case Studies in Fisheries and Marine Sciences
1 Credit
Offered Fall
This seminar will promote active learning, critical thinking and problem-solving through a series of case studies involving current issues in fisheries and marine sciences conservation and management. Students enrolled in this course will also receive instruction on fundamental skills required to successfully complete a four-year degree at UAF.
Cross-listed with FISH F102; OCN F102.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1.5 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F103 The Harvest of the Sea
2 Credits
Offered Spring
This course will explore the scientific and popular literature related to the exploitation of global marine resources. Specific topics of the course will be based on three core themes: (1) early exploitation of marine resources; (2) overexploitation of marine stocks; and (3) the status and sustainability of marine resources.
Prerequisites: FISH F102; FISH F110; placement in WRTG F111X.
Cross-listed with FISH F103; OCN F103.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F111L The Oceans Laboratory
0 Credit
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Provides laboratory experience emphasizing insights from biology, physics, chemistry and geology. Topics include the evolution of the ocean basins, seawater composition, generation of ocean currents and waves, and the combined processes that sustain life in the ocean. Societal topics related to climate change.
Co-requisites: MBI F111X or OCN F111X.
Cross-listed with OCN F111L.
Attributes: UAF GER Natural Science Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Non-Graded
MBI F111X The Oceans (n)
4 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Broad study of our ocean through combining insights from biology, physics, chemistry and geology. Topics include evolution of the ocean basins, seawater composition, generation of ocean currents and waves, and the combined processes that sustain life in the ocean. Societal topics related to climate change, fisheries and pollution are discussed.
Prerequisites: Placement in WRTG F111X; placement in MATH F105.
Co-requisites: MBI F111L or OCN F111L.
Cross-listed with OCN F111X.
Attributes: UAF GER Natural Science Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F212 Introduction to Marine Science II
3 Credits
Offered Spring
This course explores the diversity of marine life, from microbes to mammals, and the interactions of marine organisms with each other and with their environment. Topics include primary productivity, marine food webs, physiological adaptations, and ecology of marine habitats from coastal to deep-sea systems.
Prerequisites: OCN F211.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F219 Marine Mammals of the World
2 Credits
Offered Spring
We will go on a tour of the 129 currently recognized extant marine mammal species in the world. We will explore taxonomy, species description and identifying characteristics, distribution, ecology, including feeding strategies, reproduction etc., status, threats and conservation.
Prerequisites: OCN F111X, FISH F102, FISH F103, BIOL F115X or BIOL F116X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F220 Scientific Diving
2 Credits
Offered Spring
Introduction to cold water diving and SCUBA techniques used in the research community. Includes familiarization with Alaska subtidal flora and fauna. Opportunity to work underwater and assist with diving projects conducted by MBI F423 students at the Kasitsna Bay Marine Lab during spring break. Through this course, students also can be certified with a Research Diver Specialty (PADI) and a Dry Suit Specialty (PADI). CPR, First Aid (Red Cross), and Emergency Oxygen Administration (DAN) are available through this course. Special Conditions: Must have current SCUBA physical approved.
Prerequisites: Basic biology/ecology courses, SCUBA (open water) certification.
Special Notes: Completion of this course will allow students to be eligible to join the UAF (AAUS) dive program and to dive on the UAF-sanctioned diving projects and have reciprocity to dive with other universities and other government agencies.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 1 + 8
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 15 times for up to 30 credits
MBI F306 Aquatic Invertebrate Zoology
4 Credits
Offered Fall Even-numbered Years
We will explore the phylogenetics, life history, reproduction, physiology, morphology and sexual systems of aquatic invertebrates. Hands-on approaches, including a survey and comparison of taxonomic groups using microscopy and visual observations, recorded in a lab notebook, are central to the laboratory component of this course.
Prerequisites: (OCN F211 and MBI F212) or (BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X).
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F317 Introduction to Marine Mammal Biology
3 Credits
Offered Spring
The course will introduce students to the biology and diversity of cetaceans, pinnipeds, sirenians, and other marine mammals. Topics will include evolution, ecology, reproduction, and behavior of marine mammals, their special adaptations, such as diving, osmo- and thermoregulation, and will explore some current conservation and management issues.
Prerequisites: BIOL F116X or MBI F212.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F320 Aquatic Ecology
3 Credits
Offered Fall
An introduction to the relationship between aquatic species and their environment, with an emphasis on biological interactions and environmental factors that structure these communities.
Prerequisites: (OCN F211 and MBI F212) or (BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X).
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F410 Marine Bird Ecology and Conservation
3 Credits
Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years
This course will introduce students to the biology, ecology and conservation of marine birds, with emphasis on seabirds, sea ducks and shorebirds, especially species found in Alaska and the Northern Hemisphere. Through ecological and evolutionary perspectives, topics will include biodiversity, adaptations, life histories, population ecology, demography, community ecology and conservation.
Prerequisites: BIOL F371 or MBI F320.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F412 Early Life Histories of Marine Invertebrates
3 Credits
Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years
This course will explore the diversity of reproductive strategies and larval forms in marine invertebrates, and consider selective pressures governing the evolution of these forms. Topics include larval ecology and evolution, environmental constraints on early life histories, reproductive biology, population dynamics, sources of larval mortality, dispersal, and recruitment.
Prerequisites: MBI F212; upper-division standing.
Stacked with MBI F612.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F415 Physiology of Marine Organisms
3 Credits
Offered Fall
We will study the problems and challenges vertebrates and invertebrates are facing in the marine environment, and their responses and solutions. Characteristic issues for marine animals include oxygen supply, salinity, temperature and pressure, and adaptations can vary widely or be remarkably similar.
Prerequisites: BIOL F310, MBI F212 or (BIOL F111X & BIOL F112X).
Stacked with MBI F615.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F421 Polar Marine Science
3 Credits
Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years
Physical, biological, chemical and geological oceanography of the polar oceans with emphasis on comparing and contrasting the Arctic and Antarctic.
Prerequisites: OCN F211; MBI F212.
Stacked with MBI F621.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F423 Nearshore Ecology Field Course
2 Credits
Offered Spring
Students will propose a hypothesis that they will develop in the first two months of the semester and then experimentally test during a spring break field trip to the Kasitsna Bay Marine Lab. Projects may be subtidal (if the student is a current AAUS diver) or intertidal.
Prerequisites: MBI F220, successful completion of a 200-level marine biology, ecology, or equivalent courses; If the student wants to dive as part of their project, they must be AAUS divers with current CPR, First Aid, O2 Administration certifications, and have a current AAUS medical physical.
Stacked with MBI F623.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 1 + 8
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 15 times for up to 30 credits
MBI F450 Marine Biology and Ecology Field Course
2 Credits
Offered Summer Odd-numbered Years
Advanced understanding of marine organisms in an ecological and evolutionary context through field and laboratory work at the Kasitsna Bay Marine Lab (Kachemak Bay, Alaska). Includes the study of marine macroalgae, invertebrates and plankton and relating their anatomical organization to habitat, lifestyle and ecology.
Prerequisites: One year of biology.
Recommended: Basic courses in ecology and invertebrate zoology.
Stacked with MBI F650.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F456 Kelp Forest Ecology
2 Credits
Offered Summer Even-numbered Years
Introduction to knowledge, hypotheses and disputes regarding kelp forest ecology, including the environmental and ecological interactions that influence their distribution, structure and function. Course includes lectures, discussions, labs and scuba diving field trips. We take a global perspective but focus on local Alaska subtidal flora and fauna.
Prerequisites: UAF Science Diver certification.
Stacked with MBI F656.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 5 + 35 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F457 Field Techniques in Ocean Acidification Research
3 Credits
Offered Summer Even-numbered Years
An introduction to the design and fabrication of experimental ocean acidification systems and oceanographic pH sensors for the study of ocean acidification. This course will require extra fees to cover laboratory activities, room and board. Students are responsible for the travel to and from Kasitsna Bay Laboratory, near Seldovia, Alaska.
Prerequisites: OCN F211 and MBI F212.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 4 + 3
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F476 Aquatic Food Web Ecology
3 Credits
Offered Fall Even-numbered Years
Examines theoretical and applied aspects of aquatic food web ecology, from the ecological processes that give rise to patterns in aquatic communities to the incorporation of trophic interactions into ecosystem-based management. Includes a lecture component focused on peer reviewed studies and a lab component focused on applying concepts with data.
Prerequisites: Upper-level undergraduate standing.
Cross-listed with BIOL F470; FISH F476.
Stacked with BIOL F670; FISH F676; MBI F676.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F482 Human Impacts to the Marine Biosphere
3 Credits
Offered Spring
A review of the biological mechanisms that marine species utilize to respond to ocean change focusing on the links between physical, chemical and biological systems and human activities.
Prerequisites: (OCN F211 and MBI F212) or (BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X).
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F492 Seminar
1-6 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
MBI F498 Research
1-6 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1-6 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
MBI F499 Senior Thesis
3 Credits
Under Marine Biology faculty mentorship, students will undertake a self-designed senior thesis capstone project based on field/lab data collected during a field course or work with their mentor. They must present results at a UAF event or scientific conference and are encouraged to publish in a peer-reviewed journal.
Prerequisites: Permission of a fisheries and ocean sciences faculty mentor.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 9
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 2 times for up to 6 credits
MBI F601 Professional Development
1 Credit
Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years
Improve ability to make oral and poster presentations and to write resumes and cover letters. Includes lectures, discussions and four individual projects. Students are encouraged to use their thesis/dissertation material for posters and oral presentations. Feedback on all projects will be given by both instructor and students.
Recommended: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F602 Proposal Writing
1 Credit
Offered Fall
Familiarize students with the proposal writing process. Writing proposals is a common requirement during graduate school and will be continuing during the career as a scientist and researcher. This class aims to cover some common rules about good proposal writing.
Recommended: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 3 times for up to 3 credits
MBI F603 Current Topics in Marine Science
1 Credit
Offered Fall
This course is required for completion of the Master of Marine Studies degree. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to current topics in the marine sciences, and in particular the diversity of research programs led by faculty associated with UAF’s Marine Biology Department.
Prerequisites: Graduate student standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F604 Modern Applied Statistics for Fisheries
4 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Covers general statistical approaches to quantitative problems in marine science and fisheries with guidance on how to collect and organize data, how to select appropriate statistical methods and how to communicate results. A variety of advanced statistical methods for analyzing environmental data sets will be illustrated in theory and practice.
Prerequisites: STAT F200X; STAT F401; proficiency in computing with R.
Cross-listed with FISH F604.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F605 Controversies in Marine Science
1 Credit
Offered Fall
Introduction to the idea that science is fluid and controversies and disagreements do occur. These disagreements are often published in the primary literature. This course will be a discussion/debate of various controversial topics in marine science.
Recommended: Graduate status.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
MBI F606 Marine Studies Capstone Project Seminar
2 Credits
Offered Spring
This course is required for completion of the Master of Marine Studies degree. The purpose of this course is to assist students in the process of synthesizing and applying information learned in previous courses and through literature review to create a rigorous and personally and professionally meaningful capstone project. because that specificity of instruction in format is outside the scope of this course; however, facility with creation in the specified format is essential for an effective project.
Prerequisites: MBI F698 (3 credits; may be taken concurrently); completion of at least 20 credits toward the Master of Marine Studies degree.
Special Notes: Students are particularly encouraged to take courses for developing experience in their project format before taking this course, for example, grant writing, documentary filmmaking, creative writing, web design, science communication, etc.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0.17 + 0 + 7
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F610 Marine Biology
3 Credits
Offered Spring
This class covers all major marine ecosystems across the globe in a comparative manner. Each system is introduced by its physical setting, then covers important primary producer sources or foundation species, ultimately leading to how ecological concepts structure the communities and food webs in these ecosystems.
Prerequisites: Degree in biology.
Recommended: Courses in invertebrate zoology, ichthyology, and vertebrate zoology.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F612 Early Life Histories of Marine Invertebrates
3 Credits
Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years
This course will explore the diversity of reproductive strategies and larval forms in marine invertebrates, and consider selective pressures governing the evolution of these forms. Topics include larval ecology and evolution, environmental constraints on early life histories, reproductive biology, population dynamics, sources of larval mortality, dispersal, and recruitment.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Stacked with MBI F412.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F615 Physiology of Marine Organisms
3 Credits
Offered Fall
We will study the problems and challenges vertebrates and invertebrates are facing in the marine environment, and their responses and solutions. Characteristic issues for marine animals include oxygen supply, salinity, temperature and pressure, and adaptations can vary widely or be remarkably similar.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Stacked with MBI F415.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F619 Biology of Marine Mammals
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Introduction to a broad range of research and conservation topics associated with marine mammals. Topics include physiological adaptations, phylogeny and evolution, behavior, ecology, population dynamics and conservation.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing; or upper-division ecology and biology courses.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F621 Polar Marine Science
3 Credits
Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years
Physical, biological, chemical and geological oceanography of the polar oceans with emphasis on comparing and contrasting the Arctic and Antarctic.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Stacked with MBI F421.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F623 Nearshore Ecology Field Course
2 Credits
Offered Spring
Students will propose a hypothesis that they will develop in the first two months of the semester and then experimentally test during a spring break field trip to the Kasitsna Bay Marine Lab. Projects may be subtidal (if the student is a current AAUS diver) or intertidal.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing; MBI F220, successful completion of a 200-level marine biology, ecology, or equivalent courses; If the student wants to dive as part of their project, they must be AAUS divers with current CPR, First Aid, O2 Administration certifications, and have a current AAUS medical physical.
Stacked with MBI F423.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 1 + 8
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 15 times for up to 30 credits
MBI F627 Statistical Computing with R
2 Credits
Offered Fall
Using the free, open-source software R to teach computing, programming, and modeling concepts for the statistical computing of fisheries and biological data. Prepares students for other graduate-level, quantitative fisheries courses and covers exploratory statistical and graphical analyses, as well as computer-intensive methods such as bootstrapping and randomization tests.
Prerequisites: STAT F200X; STAT F401; proficiency with Excel.
Cross-listed with FISH F627; OCN F627.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F631 Data Analysis in Community Ecology
3 Credits
Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years
This course will provide an overview of statistical methods that have been specifically developed to aid our understanding and interpretation of the structure, abundance, and distribution of species and communities in relation to resources and the environment.
Prerequisites: STAT F200X; STAT F401; FISH F627 (Statistical Computing with R) or familiarity with R, general ecology, graduate standing in fisheries.
Cross-listed with FISH F631; OCN F631.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F650 Marine Biology and Ecology Field Course
2 Credits
Offered Summer Odd-numbered Years
Advanced understanding of marine organisms in an ecological and evolutionary context through field and laboratory work at the Kasitsna Bay Marine Lab (Kachemak Bay, Alaska). Includes the study of marine macroalgae, invertebrates and plankton and relating their anatomical organization to habitat, lifestyle and ecology.
Prerequisites: One year of biology; graduate standing.
Stacked with MBI F450.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F652 Marine Ecosystems
3 Credits
Offered Fall Even-numbered Years
Understanding ecosystems of the sea in the context of evaluating the impact of human activities. Focus on current concepts, trends and perspectives.
Prerequisites: BIOL F472; OCN F620; OCN F650.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F654 Benthic Ecology
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Ecology of marine benthos, from subtidal to hadal zone. Methods of collecting, sorting, narcotizing, preserving and analyzing benthic assemblages, including video analytical techniques from submersibles and ROVs. Hydrothermal vent and cold seep assemblages. Physiology/energetics of benthic organisms, including animal-sediment relationships, feeding, reproduction and growth. Depth, spatial and latitudinal distribution patterns.
Prerequisites: Invertebrate zoology course, marine biology course.
Cross-listed with FISH F654.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F656 Kelp Forest Ecology
2 Credits
Offered Summer Even-numbered Years
Introduction to knowledge, hypotheses and disputes regarding kelp forest ecology, including the environmental and ecological interactions that influence their distribution, structure and function. Course includes lectures, discussions, labs and scuba diving field trips. We take a global perspective but focus on local Alaska subtidal flora and fauna.
Prerequisites: UAF Science Diver certification.
Stacked with MBI F456.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 5 + 35 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F661 Stable Isotope Techniques in Environmental Research
3 Credits
Offered Spring
An examination of the use of added or naturally occurring isotope tracers in ecological studies. Demonstration of equipment and modern techniques.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F667 Ecology and Physiology of Marine Macroalgae
3 Credits
Offered Fall Odd-numbered Years
This course offers a comprehensive overview of marine seaweeds, encompassing their diverse range, structural composition, physiological functions, ecological roles, fundamental categorization methods and their significant connection to human activities. By engaging in this course, students will enhance their understanding of the ecological and economic importance of marine seaweeds.
Prerequisites: Upper-division standing in a natural science for undergraduates or graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F676 Aquatic Food Web Ecology
3 Credits
Offered Fall Even-numbered Years
Examines theoretical and applied aspects of aquatic food web ecology, from the ecological processes that give rise to patterns in aquatic communities to the incorporation of trophic interactions into ecosystem-based management. Includes a lecture component focused on peer reviewed studies and a lab component focused on applying concepts with data.
Cross-listed with BIOL F670; FISH F676.
Stacked with BIOL F470; FISH F476; MBI F476.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBI F692 Seminar
1-6 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1-6 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
MBI F692P Seminar
1-6 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1-6 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
MBI F698 Non-thesis Research/Project
1-9 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
MBI F699 Thesis
1-12 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
Kristen Gorman
Assistant Professor
Lara Horstmann
Chair, Department of Marine Biology
Associate Professor
Katrin Iken
Amanda Kelley
Assistant Professor
Brenda Konar
Alaska EPSCoR Fire and Ice Project Director
Sarah Mincks
Associate Professor
Schery Umanzor
Assistant Professor
Matthew Wooller