Design Technology (DSGN)

Community and Technical College
Drafting & Design Technology Program

DSGN F130      Modeling, Assembly & 3D Animation: Autodesk Inventor
3 Credits

Offered As Demand Warrants

Students will develop skills and knowledge needed to quickly and accurately create three dimensional parts, assemblies and printed models. Students will develop skills that can later be utilized professionally or in advanced coursework.

Stacked with DSGN F230.

Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0

DSGN F230      Modeling, Assembly & 3D Animation: Autodesk Inventor
3 Credits

Offered As Demand Warrants

Students will develop skills and knowledge needed to quickly and accurately create three dimensional parts, assemblies and printed models. Students will develop skills that can later be utilized professionally or in advanced coursework.

Stacked with DSGN F130.

Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0