Biological Sciences M.S.

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Minimum Requirements for Biological Sciences M.S.: 30 credits

General University Requirements
Complete the graduate general university requirements.
Master’s Degree Requirements
Complete the master's degree requirements.
As part of the master's degree requirements, complete the following:
BIOL F699Thesis6-12
Biological Sciences Program Requirements
Complete at least one of the following:3
Research Design
Scientific Writing, Editing and Revising in the Biological Sciences
Data Analysis in Biology
Additional committee-approved coursework15-21
Complete and pass the departmental written and oral master’s comprehensive examination
Total Credits30

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Admission Requirements

Complete the following admission requirements:

  • Application for admission and application fee

  • Transcripts from all universities or colleges attended. Unofficial transcripts may be submitted with the application. Official transcripts must follow prior to matriculation

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Statement of Purpose that addresses the following:

    • Career aspirations

    • Research interests

    • Research experience and relevant training

    • Interest, experience, and/or plans to serve society through your career

    • Relevance of UAF Biology and Wildlife in achieving your future goals, including the names of faculty members you have contacted regarding graduate training

Excellent statements of purpose are specific, informative, focused and concise. See the Biology and Wildlife website for more detailed instructions about the statement of purpose.  

  • Three letters of reference from individuals who can address your potential to succeed in graduate school. Ideally, letters of reference should come from university faculty, research staff, or professionals familiar with your academic and research achievements and also with the expectations of graduate school. References will be asked to address writing ability, critical thinking skills, quantitative skills, and potential to succeed in a graduate program. References that address notable service (e.g., Peace Corps or AmeriCorps) may also be informative.

  • Optional: scores from the GRE General Test will be considered if submitted

  • International students: please consult UAF’s most recent application requirements

Note - Students are typically not admitted to the program unless a faculty advisor has agreed to serve as the mentor. Applicants should contact potential advisors before applying.

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Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.

  • This roadmap should be used in conjunction with regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor or mentor each semester.
  • Some courses and milestones must be completed in the semester listed to ensure timely graduation.
  • Transfer credit may change the roadmap.
  • Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.
  • Courses with (*) are recommended.
First Year
BIOL F602, F604, F680, WLF F602, WLF F604, or WLF F680203Program Elective3
Program Elective3Program Elective3
Program Elective3Program Elective3
 9 9
Second Year
BIOL F699189BIOL F699183
 9 3
Total Credits 30

Footnote Definitions

General Education Requirements Degree Requirements Program & Other Requirements
1--Communication 8--Alaska Native-themed 20--Program Requirement
2--Arts 9--Communication 21--Capstone Requirement
3--Humanities 10--Computation 22--Concentration Course
4--Social Sciences 11--Ethics 23--General Elective
5--Additional Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences 12--Humanities 24--Minor Course
6--Mathematics 13--Human Relations 25--Upper Division
7--Natural Sciences 14--Humanities or Social Sciences 26--Program Elective
15--Library & Information Research
17--Natural Sciences
19--Social Sciences

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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes are measurable statements that describe knowledge or skills achieved by students upon completion of the program.

Students graduating from this program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of biological knowledge in subject areas related to the student's thesis research
  • Create biological knowledge through research
  • Communicate effectively in oral and written form
  • Obtain employment in biology, continue on to further education or otherwise meet personal objectives for completing the degree