Applying for Admission

When to Apply for Occupational Endorsement Programs

Applications for admission to occupational endorsement programs are due no later than June 15 for fall semester, Nov. 1 for spring semester and May 1 for summer semester.

How to Apply

To be admitted to UAF, a student must:

  1. Submit an application for admission
    Apply online. Applications must be received before the published deadlines. There is no fee to apply for an occupational endorsement program.
  2. Submit transcripts
    Most applicants to occupational endorsement programs are not required to submit high school, GED or college transcripts, but all are strongly encouraged to do so. Transfer students who want to receive credit for prior work must submit official transcripts and need to work with their advisor to request courses that will apply toward the occupational endorsement.

Admission Requirements

For admission to occupational endorsement programs, official documentation must be provided showing that the applicant meets program age requirements by the first day of the semester (see individual program descriptions for minimum age requirements).

Program Completion

Occupational endorsement programs require between 9 and 29 credit hours that will be posted to the student’s transcript upon completion and approval by the academic department. The credit hours may be applied to other undergraduate degree programs when applicable. Some occupational endorsement programs are not eligible for financial aid. Students should check with an advisor for the specific requirements of their program.

Where to Get More Information

Office of Admissions
University of Alaska Fairbanks
2nd floor, Signers’ Hall
P.O. Box 757480
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7480
Telephone: 907-474-7500
Toll-free: 800-478-1823
Fax: 907-474-7097

When to Apply for Certificate or Associate Programs

Applications for admission to certificate or associate degree programs are due no later than June 15 for fall semester, Nov. 1 for spring semester and May 1 for summer semester.

High school seniors are encouraged to apply for admission as early as the first semester of their senior year and should provide a high school transcript including a list of courses in progress. Transfer students should apply at least three to four months before the beginning of the semester in which they plan to enroll to allow for additional time for processing of transfer credit, and should submit transcripts for all colleges attended.

How to Apply

To be admitted to UAF, a student must:

  1. Submit an application for admission
    Apply online. Applications must be received before the published deadlines, along with a $40 nonrefundable application fee. Applications submitted after the published deadlines may not be processed by the beginning of the semester. 
  2. Submit transcripts
    Most applicants to certificate and associate degree programs are not required to submit high school, GED or college transcripts, but all are strongly encouraged to do so. Transfer students who want to receive credit for prior work must submit official transcripts.
  3. Submit official test results
    No test scores are needed for admission into a certificate or associate degree program.
    1. Certificate and associate degree applicants must submit the results of the EdReady placement test taken within the last two years for English and composition placement. Students may submit the ACT/SAT instead of the EdReady placement test. Students will also need to submit ALEKS test scores taken within the last year for placement into math, or any course that requires a math prerequisite. Contact eCampus Exam Services at 907-455-2060 or your admissions counselor for more information concerning the ACT, SAT or EdReady tests. Visit here to take the ALEKS test.

International Students

See Applying for Admission: International Students page for additional information.

Admission Requirements

For admission to associate/certificate programs, official documentation must be provided showing that the applicant:

  1. is at least 18 years old, or
  2. has a high school diploma, or
  3. has a General Educational Development (GED) diploma.

Applicants under the age of 18 who will not have a high school diploma or GED before the start of their first semester are not admissible but may take courses as nondegree students. Please note that in order to qualify for federal financial aid, students must have either a high school diploma or a GED.

Transfer Students

Transfer students are eligible for admission if they left their previous accredited institution(s) in good standing. Admission status will be determined on an individual basis if a student attended an unaccredited/non regionally accredited postsecondary institution.

Home-Schooled Students

Home-schooled students may be admitted to an associate or certificate program if the student is at least 18 years old, holds a GED, graduated from a state-sponsored correspondence program with a high school diploma or with the approval of the director of admissions.

High School Students

High school students may take classes at UAF. Enrollment options include Secondary Student Enrollment, Alaska Advantage Program, North Star College and Tech Prep, which have specific registration requirements and require admission as a nondegree student.

Alaska Advantage Program

The Alaska Advantage program provides dual-enrolled students access to a unique virtual middle college opportunity featuring UAF’s high-quality online courses. The program offers comprehensive student support for high school students and competitive package pricing.

North Star College

North Star College is a middle college partnership between UAF and the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District. Participating students have the opportunity to earn 7-15 college credits per semester that also apply toward FNSBSD graduation requirements. Interested students should apply directly through FNSBSD. Qualified students are selected by lottery.

After Acceptance

Qualified applicants will receive a letter of acceptance once all items are received and evaluated. Acceptance to UAF is final only when the Office of Admissions has approved all necessary credentials.

For additional program-specific application requirements, please see descriptions for the individual certificate programs and associate programs.

Request To Postpone

An offer of admission to UAF is valid for the semester for which the applicant applied. Requests to postpone admission until a later semester may be made to the Office of Admissions. Admission may be postponed for up to one calendar year.

Readmission of Former Degree Students

Undergraduate degree students who choose not to enroll for a semester or more may be eligible to re-enroll in their original degree program without reapplying for admission. Students remain eligible to register for classes if:

  • they have not been academically disqualified,
  • they have not attended a non-UA institution since they were last enrolled at UAF,
  • their lapse in enrollment is less than two years, and
  • they are continuing with the same degree program.

Students who meet all of the above requirements should consult with their academic advisor and register for classes. Students who do not meet all of these requirements should submit a new application for admission along with the $40 application fee and transcripts of any non-UA coursework taken. Students who are unsure about their status should contact the Office of Admissions.

Fresh Start for Returning Students

Fresh Start can offer a new beginning for students who performed poorly at UAF and have taken at least a two-year break from classes. Students who withdrew from school or were dismissed for academic reasons may apply for readmission through the Fresh Start program and request that their entire prior academic record be disregarded. Students who qualify for Fresh Start will begin their college study anew, with no credits attempted or earned and no quality points reflected in future GPA calculations. Fresh Start can be used only once.

All prior coursework will remain part of the student’s overall academic record and appear on transcripts, but none of the previously earned credits can be used in a new program. These credits will be included only in GPA computations for graduation with honors (see Graduation with Honors). A student admitted under Fresh Start may be allowed advanced standing or a waiver of requirements just as any other student, but will not be allowed credit by exam for courses lost in Fresh Start. Students interested in Fresh Start should contact the Office of Admissions.

Readmission of Service Members

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires that students who left school to serve in the uniformed services be readmitted into the same program with the same standing they had when they left. UAF allows for special readmission of these students. More information is available at Military and Veteran Services.

Where to Get More Information

Office of Admissions
University of Alaska Fairbanks
2nd floor, Signers’ Hall
P.O. Box 757480
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7480
Telephone: 907-474-7500
Toll-free: 800-478-1823
Fax: 907-474-7097


When to Apply for Bachelor's Degree Programs

First-year and transfer students apply for admission to bachelor’s degree programs by June 15 for fall semester, Nov. 1 for spring semester and May 1 for summer semester. Applications are available for admission one year prior to the deadline: June 16 for fall semester, Nov. 2 for spring semester and May 2 for summer semester.

Applications are processed in the order they are received. Applications received after the published deadlines may not be processed by the beginning of the semester.

High school seniors are encouraged to apply for admission as early as the first semester of their senior year and should provide a high school transcript including a list of courses in progress, and are encouraged to submit ACT and/or SAT scores. Transfer students should apply at least three to four months before the beginning of the semester in which they plan to enroll to allow for additional time for processing of transfer credit, and should submit transcripts for all colleges attended.

How to Apply

To be admitted to UAF, a student must:

  1. Submit an application for admission
    Apply online at the Office of Admissions website. Applications must be received before the published deadlines, along with a $50 nonrefundable application fee. Applications submitted after the published deadlines have a $75 nonrefundable application fee and are processed in the order they are received. They may not be processed by the beginning of the semester. 
  2. Submit transcripts
    To be considered official, transcripts must arrive in sealed envelopes from each institution attended, be directly emailed from an official high school staff member, or be submitted electronically through a secure transcript service. Transcripts emailed by students or faxed transcripts will not be considered official.
    High school transcripts — Applicants with no college coursework or fewer than 30 semester credit hours of college credit must submit official high school transcripts. Students currently enrolled in high school may submit unofficial, in-progress transcripts for admissions review. Acceptance becomes final when official transcripts with the degree earned are received.
    College transcripts — Applicants who have college-level coursework will need to submit unofficial, in-progress college or university transcripts to UAF for admissions review. Official transcripts are required for applying transfer credit and in order to be fully admitted.
    International — See Applying for Admission: International Students page for additional information.
  3. Submit official test results
    UAF does not require ACT/SAT test scores for admission to any undergraduate degree program. Test scores will not be taken into consideration for UAF scholarships but a qualifying score is required for some non-UAF scholarship opportunities, such as the Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS). In some cases, test scores may be used in lieu of placement tests for registration or class prerequisites, however, alternative options are available to all students. Applicants are also encouraged to send in official results of Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and/or CLEP scores. 

International Students

See Applying for Admission: International Students page for additional information.

Admission Requirements

For admission to baccalaureate-level programs, applicants must:

  1. have a high school diploma, and pass the 16-credit high school core curriculum (see High School Entrance Requirements
  2. have a cumulative GPA of 2.5. 

High School Entrance Requirements for all Bachelor's Degree Programs

High School Core Curriculum

Required for all first-year students; 16 credits total, which must include:

English Math Social Sciences Natural/Physical Sciences Foreign Language1
4 cr 3-4 cr in college preparatory mathematics (selected from Algebra I, II, geometry, trigonometry, elementary functions, precalculus or calculus) 3-4 cr 3-4 cr (includes 1-cr lab science course in biology, chemistry or physics) 2 cr
College of Engineering and Mines • College of Natural Science and Mathematics • College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
4 cr Algebra-2 cr; Geometry-1 cr; Trigonometry-1⁄2 cr; At least an additional 1⁄2 cr of advanced math is recommended for computer science, mathematics, physics, statistics and engineering. 3-4 cr Physics or Chemistry-1 cr; Natural Sciences-1 cr; Elective-1cr. Both physics and chemistry are strongly recommended for engineering. Same as high school core
College of Liberal Arts • College of Business and Security Management • College of Indigenous Studies • Division of Exploratory Studies and Academic Success
4 cr Same as high school core; College of Business and Security Management students should be well-prepared in mathematics with at least Algebra II, but precalculus or higher is preferred. 3-4 cr Same as high school core Same as high school core

1            Recommended but not required.


Students who have not met the minimum requirements for admission to a baccalaureate degree program will be admitted to pre-major in Exploratory Studies. 

Students will be changed to major status when they are in good standing and have completed 14 credits at the F100 level or above with a C (2.0) average or higher; 9 of the 14 credits must satisfy the general education requirements.

Exploratory Studies

Incoming students are not required to choose a degree program and have the option of choosing Exploratory Studies. These students are advised by the Academic Advising Center and will work with them on transitioning into a declared major. Students receiving GI assistance or veterans’ benefits may be required to change to a declared major to keep their benefits award. 

Home-schooled Students

Home-schooled students who have gone through a state-recognized program and have a valid high school diploma may be admitted to a bachelor’s program according to UAF admission standards. See the How to Apply section for more information.

For home-schooled students who have not gone through a state-recognized program, admission to a bachelor’s degree is through an individual review by the director of admissions (or a designee). Additional supporting documentation, such as letters of recommendation, may be requested for review by the director of admissions. In some cases, files will be shared with deans, department chairs or faculty for further review.

Students who have not met the minimum requirements for admission to a bachelor’s degree program may be admitted to pre-major status. Students will be changed to major status when their admissions file is complete, they are in good standing, and they have completed 14 credits at the 100 level or above with a C (2.0) average or higher, 9 credits of which must satisfy baccalaureate general education requirements (GER).

Transfer Students

A transfer student is defined as someone coming into the university who has been a degree student at any other institution prior to the semester applied for. Students with more than 30 university semester credit hours must submit official transcript(s) from every college or university previously attended. Students with less than 30 semester credits must submit high school transcripts and will be evaluated based on all transcripts. Transfer students are eligible for admission to a bachelor’s program if they have a 2.0 GPA in their previous coursework and left their previous institution(s) in good standing. If applying to a technical or scientific program, students may need to present a higher grade average and proof that they have completed appropriate background courses before they will be admitted. Admission status for students who have attended an unaccredited postsecondary institution will be determined on an individual basis. See Transferring Credits for more information.

Probational Acceptance

Applicants with previous college coursework may be admitted with probationary status or an academic warning if their cumulative or most recent term grade point average is less than C (2.0).

Dual Enrolled/High School Students

High School Students

High school students may take classes at UAF. The Alaska Higher Education Admission Decision (AHEAD) program requires formal admittance to UAF. Other enrollment options are Secondary Student Enrollment, Alaska Advantage program, North Star College and Tech Prep, which have specific registration requirements and require admission as a nondegree student.

AHEAD Program

The Alaska Higher Education Admission Decision program allows qualified high school students to be formally admitted to UAF as general studies students. AHEAD students are assigned an academic advisor and follow the registration timeline for degree students. To qualify, students must have completed three-fourths of their high school core curriculum and have a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher. Students who wish to apply to the AHEAD program should connect with the Office of Dual Enrollment.

Alaska Advantage Program

The Alaska Advantage program provides dual-enrolled students access to a unique virtual middle college opportunity featuring UAF’s high-quality online courses. The program offers comprehensive student support for high school students and competitive package pricing.

North Star College

North Star College is a middle college partnership between UAF and the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District. Participating students have the opportunity to earn 7-15 college credits per semester that also apply toward FNSBSD graduation requirements. Interested students should apply directly through FNSBSD. Qualified students are selected by lottery.

After Acceptance

Incomplete and Final Acceptance

Qualified applicants will receive a letter of acceptance once all required items are received and evaluated. Applicants who are currently enrolled in high school or another college, or who have not submitted all required official transcripts, may be granted "incomplete" admission. Students with incomplete admission are not permitted to receive financial aid and may not register for future semesters.  Acceptance becomes final when the Office of Admissions receives all required documents.  For first-year students, that includes a final official high school transcript showing the student has satisfactorily completed all work in progress and that a high school diploma or GED has been earned. For transfer students, that includes a final official transcript from every college or university previously attended.

Request to Postpone

An offer of admission to UAF is valid for the semester for which the applicant applied. Requests to postpone admission until a later semester must be made in writing to the Office of Admissions. Admission may be postponed for up to one calendar year. Students are required to notify the Office of Admissions if they are attending another school outside the University of Alaska statewide system.

Applying for a Second Bachelor’s Degree

Upon official acceptance to a UAF undergraduate degree program, a student who earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution will be considered to have completed the equivalent of the baccalaureate general education requirements (GER).

Readmission of Former Degree Students

Undergraduate degree students who choose not to enroll for a semester or more may be eligible to re-enroll in their original degree program without reapplying for admission. Students remain eligible to register for classes if:

  • they have not been academically disqualified,
  • they have not attended a non-UA institution since they were last enrolled at UAF,
  • their lapse in enrollment is less than two years, and
  • they are continuing with the same degree program.

Students should be aware that poor academic performance at other campuses in the UA system may affect their academic standing upon their return to UAF. Students who meet all of the above requirements should consult with their academic advisor and register for classes. Students who do not meet all of these requirements should submit an undergraduate application for admission along with the application fee and transcripts of any non-UA coursework taken. Students who are unsure about their status should contact the Office of Admissions.

Fresh Start for Returning Students
Fresh Start can offer a new beginning for students who performed poorly at UAF when they last attended and who have taken at least a two-year break from classes. Those who withdrew from school or were dismissed for academic reasons may apply for readmission and request that their entire prior academic record be disregarded. Students who qualify for Fresh Start begin their college study anew with no credits attempted or earned, and no quality points reflected in future GPA calculations. Fresh Start can be used only once.

All prior coursework will remain part of the student’s overall academic record and appear on transcripts, but none of the previously earned credits can be used in a new program. These credits will be included only in GPA computations for graduation with honors (see Graduation with Honors). A student admitted under Fresh Start may be allowed advanced standing or a waiver of requirements just as any other student, but will not be allowed credit by exam for courses lost in Fresh Start.

Readmission of Service Members
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires that students who left school to serve in the uniformed services be readmitted into the same program with the same standing they had when they left. UAF allows for special readmission of these students. More information is available at the Military and Veteran Services website.

Where to Get More Information

Office of Admissions
University of Alaska Fairbanks
2nd floor, Signers’ Hall
P.O. Box 757480
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7480
Telephone: 907-474-7500
Toll-free: 800-478-1823
Fax: 907-474-7097


When to Apply for Graduate Degree Programs

Applicants should apply to a graduate degree program at least six to nine months before the beginning of the semester in which they plan to enroll. Most departments require earlier submission of credentials for acceptance to their program. Contact the department for specific deadlines. The number of students accepted for graduate study is limited.

Graduate students are strongly encouraged to apply early. Applications received near the deadline will be processed as time permits or may be considered for the following semester.

How to Apply

To be admitted to UAF, a student must:

  1. Submit an application for admission
    Apply online. Applications must be received before the published deadlines, along with a $75 nonrefundable application fee. Applications submitted after the published deadlines have a $100 nonrefundable application fee. Departmental deadlines may allow for applications past the published deadlines. 
  2. Submit official transcripts
    The Office of Admissions requires official transcripts of all college-level coursework. To be considered official, transcripts must arrive in sealed envelopes from each institution attended, or be submitted electronically through a secure transcript service. Transcripts emailed by students or faxed transcripts will not be considered official.
    1. Students with coursework from international institutions must submit transcripts to SpanTran or Word Education Services (WES).
      Transcripts for International Applicants
      See Applying for Admission: International Students page for additional information.
  3. Submit official test results
    Not all departments require Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores if the student has earned a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The UAF school code for the GRE is 4866. Refer to the prospective degree program admission requirements to determine which tests are required.
  4. Submit resume/curriculum vitae
    Include work and research experience, publications, patents, honors, professional and civic memberships, and foreign travel.
  5. Submit statement of academic goals
    Write a statement indicating why study is desired in a particular program. Include qualifications and educational experience. For applicants to M.Ed. or education licensures/certificate programs, a four-to-five-page self-evaluation essay is required.
  6. Submit three letters of recommendation
    Send at least three letters of recommendation from people able to vouch for the applicant’s academic work, character and ability to undertake graduate study and research.

Additional Application Information

  • Master of Fine Arts Applicants
    Master of fine arts applicants must submit writing samples when applying for admission to the creative writing program. An art portfolio (usually slides) must be submitted when applying to the program in art.
  • Interdisciplinary Applicants
    Submit a Proposed Graduate Study Plan and a comprehensive research proposal. Applicants must also obtain a commitment from UAF faculty members to serve on an advisory committee. Contact the Graduate School for specific interdisciplinary procedures.
  • International Students
    See Applying for Admission: International Students page for additional information.
  • Students in Western Regional Graduate Programs
    Students from Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming may be eligible for resident tuition through the Western Regional Graduate Program/Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. This program is for students pursuing a graduate degree in Justice Administration, Arctic and Northern Studies, or Rural Development. For more information about this program, contact the Graduate School at 907-474-7464 or Students with questions may also contact the WICHE Student Exchange Program at P.O. Box 9752, Boulder, CO 80301-9752, or 303-541-0210.

Admission Requirements

In general, applicants may be admitted to a graduate program if they have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with at least a 3.0 (B) cumulative undergraduate GPA and a 3.0 (B) GPA in their major. The undergraduate major should provide suitable preparation for continuation of studies in the field of choice. Some programs require the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and other special criteria for admission.

For the purposes of admission to graduate study, all grades, including those generated from retaking a course, are included in calculating GPA.

If an applicant meets the minimum requirements for the university, the Graduate School sends the complete application to the academic department. Program heads and/or committees in fields of interest will determine the adequacy of the student’s preparation and whether or not departmental facilities are sufficient for their aims.

Information on specific degree programs is available from academic departments or by contacting the Graduate School at

After Acceptance

Qualified applicants can be accepted for admission while enrolled in their last semester at another college. Acceptance is incomplete, pending receipt of the final transcript indicating satisfactory completion of work in progress and the completion of graduation requirements prior to enrollment at UAF.

Final acceptance to UAF is complete only when the Office of Admissions receives and accepts all credentials.

Request to Postpone

An offer of admission to UAF is valid for the semester for which the applicant applied. Requests to postpone admission until a later semester should be sent to Admission may be postponed for up to one calendar year with the approval of the academic department and the graduate school. All graduate student requests to postpone are subject to approval by the department to which the student is applying.

Where to Get More Information

Graduate School
University of Alaska Fairbanks
202 Eielson Building
PO Box 757560
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7560
Telephone: 907-474-7464


When to Apply as an International Student

International students may apply for admission to associate, bachelor's and graduate-level degrees. Applications for admission from international students are due to the Office of Admissions no later than March 1 for the fall semester and Sept. 1 for the spring semester. For graduate applicants, it is important to note that certain departments maintain earlier deadlines (e.g., January for fall, and August for spring); applicants should check the specific deadline with their department to avoid missing the deadline.

To receive a Certificate of Eligibility for Non-immigrant Student Status, or Form I-20, international students must complete all UAF application requirements and be fully admitted by the Office of Admissions no later than July 1 for the fall semester and Nov. 1 for the spring semester to meet U.S. immigration agencies' requirements.

UAF does not issue immigration documentation Form I-20 to students entering academic programs that are offered only through distance delivery, certificate programs or occupational endorsement programs.

Admission Requirements

More information regarding the process for application to associate, bachelor's or graduate programs can be found in the Getting Started section.

Undergraduate Applicants

To be admitted to UAF, a student must:

  1. Apply online. Applications must be received before the published deadlines, along with a $50 nonrefundable application fee. Applications submitted after the published deadlines have a $75 nonrefundable application fee and are processed in the order they are received. 
  2. Send official secondary school and/or university transcripts to SpanTran or World Education Services (WES). University coursework also needs to be evaluated with a comprehensive course-by-course credential report through a NACES-approved evaluation service. Transcripts from Canadian institutions (excluding Quebec) are exempt from this requirement; they may be sent directly from the issuing institution. 
  3. Submit certified official secondary school and/or university transcripts and English translations. It is required that official transcripts of all high school and/or college-level coursework be signed and sealed by a registration official of the institution(s) attended.
  4. Meet the requirements for  English proficiency (see the English Proficiency Requirements section below).
  5. Submit a copy of the passport identification page.
  6. Complete the UAF Financial Verification document and submit it with supporting financial documentation. For instructions, please refer to the form. This is a requirement for immigration documentation I-20 issuance, not for admission.

Graduate Applicants

To be admitted to UAF, a student must:

  1. Apply online. Applications must be received before the published deadlines, along with a $75 nonrefundable application fee. Applications submitted after the published deadlines are only accepted upon a department's request and have a $100 nonrefundable application fee.
  2. Review the department’s department-specific requirements and application deadlines.
  3. Send official secondary school and/or university transcripts to SpanTran or World Education Services (WES). University coursework also needs to be evaluated with a comprehensive course-by-course credential report through a NACES-approved evaluation service. Transcripts from Canadian institutions (excluding Quebec) are exempt from this requirement; they may be sent directly from the issuing institution. 
  4. If the transcript does not show that a bachelor’s degree has been or will be awarded, a diploma must also be sent.
  5. Submit official GRE or GMAT test scores. Not all departments require GRE or GMAT scores if the student has earned a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Refer to the admission requirements of the prospective degree program to determine which tests are required.
  6. Submit a resume/curriculum vitae. Include work and research experience, publications, patents, honors, professional and civic memberships, and foreign travel.
  7. Submit a statement of academic goals. Write a statement indicating why study is desired in a particular program. Include qualifications and educational experience. (For applicants to M.Ed. programs or education licensures/certificates, a four-to-five-page self-evaluation essay is required.)
  8. Submit three letters of recommendation. Send at least three letters of recommendation from people able to vouch for the applicant’s academic work, character and ability to undertake graduate study and research.
  9. Meet the requirements for  English proficiency (see the English Proficiency Requirements section below).
  10. Submit a copy of the passport identification page.
  11. Complete the UAF Financial Verification document and submit it with supporting financial documentation. For instructions, please refer to the form. This is a requirement for immigration documentation I-20 issuance, not for admission.

Required Funding Amounts

Students are required to provide evidence of sufficient funds for one academic year to demonstrate they can cover all expenses while attending UAF. The estimated cost for one school year at UAF for an international student is $40,720 for undergraduate students and $39,640 for graduate students. Some programs charge a surcharge for their courses in addition to regular tuition. The estimated cost includes tuition, fees, housing and food on campus, books and supplies, health insurance and a reasonable amount of personal expenses. It does not include transportation to and from Alaska, summer and winter break living expenses or housing.

Residents of countries that hold approved sister city or sister province agreements qualify for resident tuition. A complete list of sister cities and provinces is listed below. Students on an F-1 visa who are not from a UA sister city or province are not eligible for resident tuition.

UA Sister Cities and Provinces

Country City or Province
Australia Darwin
Canada Inuvik, Northwest Territory and Whitehorse, Yukon Territory
China Harbin, Heilongjiang Province
Great Britain Whitby, England
India Pune
Japan Chitose, Hokkaido Prefecture, Kanayama, Nemuro, Noshiro, Obihiro, Saroma, Teshio
Korea Inchon
Mongolia Erdenet City
Norway Hammerfest, Mo, Tromsø
Philippines Camiling
Russia Khabarovsk Region, Magadan, Mirnyy, Noglicki, Okha, Providenya, Vladivostok, Yakutsk, Yelisovo
Taiwan Chiayi Township

Immigration Requirements

Once a student has been fully admitted by UAF Admissions, UAF ISSS will contact them to collect the required documents to issue immigration documentation Form I-20. An I-20 must be presented at a U.S. embassy or consulate in the country of citizenship in order to obtain an F-1 (student) visa. Form I-20 requires the university to certify to U.S. immigration agencies that a student has been accepted for full-time enrollment and has sufficient funds to meet estimated expenses for an academic program.

If a student is already in the U.S. on an F-1 visa, the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) record may be transferred as long as the record is in active status. The student must contact ISSS before requesting a SEVIS record transfer to UAF.

English Proficiency Requirements

Students on an F-1 visa are required to submit scores from the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam.

Applicants who have completed secondary or baccalaureate education, where the primary language of instruction was English, from one of the following countries or territories** are exempt from this requirement:

Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Botswana, British Overseas Territories, British Virgin Islands, Cameroon, Canada [except Quebec], Cayman Island, Dominica, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Malta, Micronesia (Federated States of), Montserrat, New Zealand, Nigeria, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore, Sint Maarten, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uganda, United Kingdom. 

**This list includes countries where English is an official language and countries where English is the primary language of most residents. The Director of Admissions may adjust listed countries as needed to continue to follow national standards.

Some permanent residents (green card holders) are not required to submit TOEFL or IELTS scores (see exceptions below). English proficiency may be demonstrated by:

  1. A minimum TOEFL score of 79
  2. A minimum IELTS score of 6.5

Requests for an exception to this policy may be submitted via email to the Office of Admissions at Acceptable grounds for waiving this requirement may include:

  1. Successful completion (C or higher) of a college-level, non-ESL English composition course
  2. A comparable score on another approved exam such as the ACT, SAT or EdReady exam
  3. Long-term permanent residents of the U.S. who are able to provide adequate documentation (transcripts, test scores, etc.) demonstrating academic readiness for WRTG F111X

Request to Postpone

If applicants are unable to attend, they must notify the Office of Admissions and ISSS. Students may request to postpone their admission for up to one calendar year. For graduate applicants, acceptance and Graduate Assistantship or Scholarship funding is not guaranteed for a future semester. An updated Financial Verification document and current supporting financial documents will be required from all students.

Where to Get More Information

Office of Admissions
University of Alaska Fairbanks
2nd floor, Signers’ Hall
P.O. Box 757480
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7480
Telephone: 907-474-7500
Toll-free: 800-478-1823
Fax: 907-474-7097

International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)
University of Alaska Fairbanks
218 Eielson Building
P.O. Box 757760
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7760
Telephone: 907-474-7677