Ethnobotany O.E.C.

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Minimum Requirements for Ethnobotany Occupational Endorsement: 17 credits

Students must earn a C- or better in each course.

General University Requirements
Complete the general university requirements.
Occupational Endorsement Requirements
Complete the occupational endorsement requirements.
Ethnobotany Program Requirements
Complete the following:
BIOL F190Introduction to Alaska Flora2
EBOT F100Introduction to Ethnobotany3
EBOT F200Seminar in Ethnobotany2
EBOT F210Ethical Wildcrafting1
EBOT F220Research Methods for Ethnobotanists2
EBOT F250Applied Ethnobotany Fall2
EBOT F251Applied Ethnobotany Spring2
EBOT/ANTH F336Ethnomycology 13
Total Credits17

Or advisor-approved elective(s)