Japanese Studies B.A.

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Minimum Requirements for Japanese Studies B.A.: 120 credits

Students must earn a C- grade or better in each course.

General University Requirements
Complete the general university requirements.
General Education Requirements
Complete the general education requirements.35-40
B.A. Degree Requirements
Complete the B.A. degree requirements.37
Japanese Studies Program Requirements (all courses in this category are taught in Japanese)
Complete the following:
JPN F301Advanced Japanese 13
JPN F302Advanced Japanese 13
JPN F431Studies in Japanese Culture 13
JPN F432Studies in Japanese Language 13
JPN F475Seminar on Contemporary Japan 23
Japanese Studies Electives
Complete 6 credits from the following:6
Classical Japanese Literature
Women's Voices in Japanese Literature
Japanese Cultural Traditions and Arts
20th-Century Japanese Prose Fiction
Selected Topics in Japanese
Japan-Related Electives
Complete 12 credits from the following as approved by an advisor: 3,412
East Asian Civilization
East Asian Civilization
Modern Japan
Foundations of Japanese History
Women and Gender in East Asian History
Beginning Kanji
Intermediate Kanji
Advanced Kanji
Classical Japanese Literature
Women's Voices in Japanese Literature
Japanese Cultural Traditions and Arts
20th-Century Japanese Prose Fiction
Selected Topics in Japanese
International Politics
East Asian Governments and Politics
Completion of semester exchange in Japan or written departmental approval. 1
General Electives10-15
Total Credits120

After completion of language training through the 200 level, students may study in Japan as long as they complete a minimum of 15 credits of Japanese language study at the upper-division level to fulfill the Japanese studies core requirements. JPN F475 must be taken in residence at UAF.


Fulfills the baccalaureate capstone requirement.


Instructor-approved Japan-related courses taken during time abroad may count toward this requirement.


Courses taken to satisfy Japanese studies electives requirement may not be retaken or otherwise counted to satisfy Japan-related electives requirement.

Note: Students planning a double major for a single B.A. may double count a maximum of 9 credits from the major requirements toward a second major. Students earning two degrees are not subject to double-counting restrictions.

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Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.

  • This roadmap should be used in conjunction with regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor or mentor each semester.
  • Some courses and milestones must be completed in the semester listed to ensure timely graduation.
  • Transfer credit may change the roadmap.
  • Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.
  • Courses with (*) are recommended.
First Year
JPN F101X (*)3,144JPN F102X (*)144
MATH F151X (*)64LS F101X151
WRTG F111X13Degree Requirement - Humanities or Social Sciences3
General Education Requirement - Arts3Minor Course3
Complete one of the following:13Complete one of the following:13
 17 14
Second Year
JPN F201X (*)124JPN F202X (*)124
JPN F210 (*)262JPN F310 (*)25,262
General Education Requirement - Natural Sciences4General Education Requirement - Additional Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences3
Minor Course3General Education Requirement - Natural Sciences4
Minor Course3General Elective1
 16 14
Third Year
JPN F30120,253JPN F30220,253
JPN F332 (*)25,263General Education Requirement - Social Sciences3
General Education Requirement - Social Sciences3Degree Requirement - Social Sciences3
Program Elective - Japan-Related253Program Elective - Japanese Studies253
General Elective3Program Elective - Japan-Related253
 15 15
Fourth Year
JPN F43120,253JPN F43220,253
Degree Requirement - Alaska Native-themed3JPN F47520,21,253
Degree Requirement - Ethics253Degree Requirement - Social Sciences3
Minor Course3Minor Course - Upper Division3
General Elective - Upper Division3General Elective - Upper Division2
 15 14
Total Credits 120

Footnote Definitions

General Education Requirements Degree Requirements Program & Other Requirements
1--Communication 8--Alaska Native-themed 20--Program Requirement
2--Arts 9--Communication 21--Capstone Requirement
3--Humanities 10--Computation 22--Concentration Course
4--Social Sciences 11--Ethics 23--General Elective
5--Additional Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences 12--Humanities 24--Minor Course
6--Mathematics 13--Human Relations 25--Upper Division
7--Natural Sciences 14--Humanities or Social Sciences 26--Program Elective
15--Library & Information Research
17--Natural Sciences
19--Social Sciences

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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes are measurable statements that describe knowledge or skills achieved by students upon completion of the program.

Students graduating from this program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an adequate command of grammar, mechanics and style in the target language, as appropriate to an undergraduate degree
  • Demonstrate an adequate level of oral/aural competency in the target language, as appropriate to an undergraduate degree
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the literature, history and culture of the target language, as appropriate to an undergraduate degree
  • Receive a well-rounded education that enables them to pursue a career related to their major field or to enter a graduate program of study, as appropriate to an undergraduate degree