Interdisciplinary Studies B.A.A.S.

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Minimum Requirements for Interdisciplinary Studies B.A.A.S.: 120 credits

Concentrations: IndividualizedGlobal PerspectivesGeneral Studies

Students must earn a C- grade or better in each course.

General University Requirements
Complete the general university requirements.
General Education Requirements
Complete the general education requirements.35-40
B.A.A.S. Degree Requirements
Complete the B.A.A.S. degree requirements.10
Interdisciplinary Studies Program Requirements
Complete an Associate of Applied Science degree from an accredited institution of higher education.
Complete the following:
INDS F401Interdisciplinary Capstone Portfolio1
Complete one of the following:30 or more
Individualized 1
Global Perspectives 1
General Studies 2
Total Credits120

Students choose the title of their major and the courses within their major with the guidance of a faculty committee. 


The General Studies concentration provides a flexible bachelor's degree completion pathway for students who have faced obstacles to complete other UAF majors. This concentration is only available for students who have earned 90 or more credits, and they must be approved to graduate with this concentration by a committee appointed by the dean of the Division of Exploratory Studies and Academic Success. Students do not name their major if they choose the General Studies concentration.

Note: At least 39 upper-division credits (F300-F499) must be earned to complete a UAF bachelor's degree. 

More information can be found on the interdisciplinary studies website.



Individualized Concentration Requirements
Complete the following:
FYE F100First Year Seminar 31
INDS F301Interdisciplinary Methods2
An additional interdisciplinary capstone element will be approved by the student’s interdisciplinary committee. The capstone can be, but is not limited to, an internship, a research project, a thesis or a course. 4
Approved Individualized courses 527 or more
Total Credits30

Students who enter the interdisciplinary studies major with sophomore standing or higher can request to have FYE F100 waived by a memo from the director of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies.


The capstone for this concentration has two elements: 1) All students take INDS F401, a course that focuses on developing a portfolio and post-graduation planning. 2) The second element of the capstone should be unique and specific to an individual student's major. It should aim to connect the courses and learning outcomes of the major, demonstrate and/or apply concepts learned, and help prepare students for their post-graduation goals in a meaningful way.


An Individualized concentration must include coursework from more than one discipline, cannot be titled the same as an existing major and must demonstrate a cohesive body of knowledge and skills. Courses in the major must be approved by the director of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies, an advisory committee of at least three faculty members, the dean of the faculty committee chair and the dean of the Division of Exploratory Studies & Academic Success. An interdisciplinary studies major from UAF consists of a minimum of 30 credits, at least 12 of which have to be earned at UAF.

Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives Concentration Requirements
Complete the following:
FYE F100First Year Seminar 31
INDS F301Interdisciplinary Methods2
An additional interdisciplinary capstone element will be approved by the student’s interdisciplinary committee. The capstone can be, but is not limited to, an internship, a research project, a thesis or a course. 4
Complete 27 or more credits from the following:27 or more
Approved Global Perspectives courses 6
A minimum of 6 foreign language credits 7
One semester of study abroad or foreign exchange outside of the U.S. 8
Total Credits30

Students who enter the interdisciplinary studies major with sophomore standing or higher can request to have FYE F100 waived by a memo from the director of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies.


The capstone for this concentration has two elements: 1) All students take INDS F401, a course that focuses on developing a portfolio and post-graduation planning. 2) The second element of the capstone should be unique and specific to an individual student's major. It should aim to connect the courses and learning outcomes of the major, demonstrate and/or apply concepts learned, and help prepare students for their post-graduation goals in a meaningful way.


Students in the Global Perspectives concentration should connect their major's learning outcomes and courses to an international or global theme. Interdisciplinary studies majors must include coursework from more than one discipline, cannot be titled the same as an existing major and must demonstrate a cohesive body of knowledge and skills. Courses in the major must be approved by the director of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies, an advisory committee of at least three faculty members, the dean of the faculty committee chair and the dean of the Division of Exploratory Studies & Academic Success. An interdisciplinary studies major from UAF consists of a minimum of 30 credits, at least 12 of which have to be earned at UAF.


Two semesters of UAF foreign language coursework at any level, or Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies department approved foreign language study away credits or transfer credits. These credits may be included in the student's Interdisciplinary Studies major or can be used to meet B.A. degree requirements. These credits can be in one or multiple languages.


1) Take at least 12 credits (when converted to U.S. semester credits) while studying abroad. 2) Courses must be from an institution that is approved by the UAF Study Away advisor or registrar's office.

General Studies

General Studies Concentration Requirements
Complete the following:
Complete a Rationale Form
Students must be approved for the General Studies Concentration by a committee appointed by the dean of the Division of Exploratory Studies & Academic Success
Approved General Studies courses 930 or more
Total Credits30

Students in the General concentration will work with a degree completion advisor to choose classes that are meaningful and relevant to their educational interests and career goals from a variety of disciplines.

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Admission Requirements

Complete the following admission requirements

Students may apply for admission or change their major to Interdisciplinary Studies, but in order to graduate with this major, there is an additional approval process. Students who have been admitted to, or who wish to change their major to Interdisciplinary Studies should start by scheduling an appointment with an advisor in the Office of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies to determine which concentration is the best fit, and to get started on their academic planning and the approval process for their concentration. Once choosing their concentration with an interdisciplinary studies advisor, students should complete a declaration of concentration form and follow the guidelines listed below.

Additional guidance can be found on the Office of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies website and by meeting with an interdisciplinary studies advisor.

Individualized and Global Perspectives Concentrations

These concentrations are fully customized to an individual student’s unique learning outcomes.  Building an Interdisciplinary Studies major takes time, effort, and commitment from the student, and it is ultimately a student’s responsibility to make sure things are done well and on time. However, they will have the guidance of a multidisciplinary, three-person faculty committee and the help of the Office of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies (UIS) along the way. Students will work with their faculty committee and a UIS advisor to choose their major’s title, courses, capstone, and learning outcomes, which they will document on an Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor’s Approval Form. Once the form is drafted, students must have a formal faculty committee meeting to get feedback and apply edits. The form is then signed by the student, their faculty committee, the director of the UIS, the faculty committee chair’s dean, and the Dean of the Division of Exploratory Studies & Academic Success. The approved title of a student’s interdisciplinary major will appear on their transcript and diploma when they graduate as follows: “Your Title: Interdisciplinary Studies” and their concentration (and minor, if added) will be listed below. 


We encourage students in the Individualized and Global Perspectives concentrations to meet with their committee and have their concentration fully approved by the end of their sophomore year, or the end of a transfer student’s second semester. The latest these concentrations can be approved is by the midterm of the semester before a student graduates. If that deadline is missed, the student may need to change to the General Studies concentration or postpone their graduation to the next semester. 

General Studies Concentration

The General Studies concentration provides a flexible bachelor's degree completion pathway for students who have faced obstacles to complete other UAF majors. This concentration is only available for students who have earned 90 or more credits. Students must complete a Rationale Form which can be found on the Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies website. A digital packet that includes a degree audit, a copy of the Rationale Form and a snapshot of DegreeWorks will be sent to the student to sign. This packet serves two functions: 1. to inform the student of their remaining requirements needed to graduate, and 2. to formally approve them to graduate with the General Studies concentration. The packet is reviewed and signed by an interdisciplinary studies advisor, and a committee appointed by the Dean of the Division of Exploratory Studies & Academic Success. Students do not name their major if they do the General Studies concentration. Students may not have a double major if they are in the General Studies concentration of the Interdisciplinary Studies major.

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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes are measurable statements that describe knowledge or skills achieved by students upon completion of the program.

Students graduating from this program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate good oral and written communication skills
  • Demonstrate good interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrate good planning and time management skills
  • Be prepared for employment above entry level in a field related to their degree
  • Meet other learning objectives chosen in consultation with their advisory committee