Interdisciplinary Studies - Undergraduate

Department Overview
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies encourages a synthesis of skills, knowledge and methods drawn from multiple disciplines to understand and address complex contemporary issues and respond to an ever-changing world. The Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies program promotes the practical application of knowledge, collaboration and creative problem-solving. We support students on their interdisciplinary academic journey as they build their educational experience to align with their individual interests while also meeting the evolving needs of the workforce and society. Our programs provide flexibility to students who have educational goals that do not fit into existing majors or minors available at UAF but that can still be supported by UAF through customized programs that are tailored to individual students’ needs.
A.A.S., Interdisciplinary Studies
The interdisciplinary program provides flexibility to students who have educational goals that do not fit into one of the established Associate of Applied Sciences degrees offered by UAF. This A.A.S. interdisciplinary studies program is offered through a shared partnership with the Community and Technical College and the office of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies. Students who are interested in an interdisciplinary studies program should meet with an advisor in the office of Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies or the CTC Advising Center to discuss their educational plan. If their educational goals can be met through this degree option, students must form a multidisciplinary faculty committee of three or more members to help build, name and approve their unique interdisciplinary studies major. The chair of the committee must be a CTC faculty member.
To get started, make an advising appointment by clicking the "schedule an appointment" link on the undergraduate interdisciplinary studies website or by calling the CTC Advising Center at 907-455-2800.
Minimum Requirements for Interdisciplinary Studies Associate Degree: 60 credits
B.A., B.A.A.S., B.S., Interdisciplinary Studies
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies programs provide flexibility to students who have educational goals that do not fit into existing bachelor’s majors offered by UAF. There are three concentrations students can choose from: Individualized, Global Perspectives and General Studies. Students who are interested in a UIS program should meet with a UIS advisor to determine which concentration is the best fit and to develop their educational plan.
Students who choose the individualized or Global perspectives concentration will choose a unique title for their major and must form a multidisciplinary faculty committee of three or more members to help them choose and approve their courses, capstone and name of their unique interdisciplinary studies major. The committee chair must be a UAF faculty member whose department offers bachelor’s degrees.
The General Studies concentration is a flexible degree completion option that can only be declared by students who have senior standing and have obstacles to completing other UAF bachelor's majors. Students in the General Studies concentration do not have a faculty committee and do not choose a unique title for their major. Students may not have a double major if they choose the General Studies concentration.
To get started, make an advising appointment by clicking the "schedule an appointment" link on the undergraduate interdisciplinary studies website.
Minimum Requirements for Interdisciplinary Studies B.A., B.A.A.S., B.S. Degrees: 120 credits
Learn more about the bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies, including an overview of the program, career opportunities and more.
Minor, Health Sciences for Pre-Professionals
This flexible minor supports students who intend to apply to a post-baccalaureate professional school in a health field, such as medical school, dental school or nursing. In most health professional fields any major can be completed by students for their bachelor’s degree. In fact, most health professional schools don't consider applicants' majors in the admission process, but they do care about whether prerequisite courses have been taken and how well applicants performed in those courses. The UAF Health Sciences for Pre-Professionals minor allows students, regardless of their major, to take the prerequisite courses they need to apply for the health professional schools of their choice. Entering health professional schools can be competitive, so it is important to start early in your planning and research. Students considering this minor should:
Meet with a UAF pre-professional advisor to explore health careers and get help making an academic plan to help you reach your educational goals. Pre-professional advisors can approve courses for this minor that are specific to individual students' needs, targeting the prerequisite courses required for the health professional degree program they plan on applying to after graduating from UAF.
Visit UAF’s Pre-Health website.
Research specific schools that you plan on applying to. Prerequisite requirements/recommendations can vary from school to school even for the same type of professional degree.
Be aware that a successful application to a health professional program may require elements in addition to prerequisite courses, such as appropriate experience and an interview.
For more information and pre-professional guidance, contact one of the pre-professional advisors listed on the UAF Pre-Health website. Courses for this minor can also be approved by advisors in the Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies department. Click on the "schedule an appointment" link on the undergraduate interdisciplinary studies website to make an appointment with an interdisciplinary advisor.
Requirements for the Health Sciences for Pre-Professionals minor: 15-29 advisor-approved credits.
Minor, Environmental Change
The Interdisciplinary Environmental Change Minor provides students with an integrative understanding of the causes, impacts, and potential mitigation of anthropogenic environmental change by combining relevant knowledge, perspectives, and critical thinking skills from across the natural sciences, engineering, technology, social sciences, humanities, and Alaska Native studies. This minor is intentionally interdisciplinary, reflective of the multidimensionality of the social-ecological issue of environmental change, and flexible to allow students to pursue their individual lines of interest within this broad field. UAF is a world leader in environmental change and Arctic research due in part to its location, where the impacts of climate change can be observed and felt at an accelerated pace, and is an ideal setting in which to engage with faculty possessing expertise in multiple dimensions of environmental change, through in-person and/or online coursework.
For more information or to apply, please click on the "schedule an appointment" link on the undergraduate interdisciplinary studies website.
Minimum Requirements for Interdisciplinary Environmental Change Minor: 15 credits
Minor, Interdisciplinary Studies
The interdisciplinary minor provides flexibility to students who have educational goals that do not fit into one of the established minors offered by the university. Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies minors must include courses from at least two different disciplines that focus on a shared theme. Students must complete an Interdisciplinary Studies minor approval form where they will document the title, individualized learning outcomes and a list of courses within their minor. Assistance and guidance with the UIS minor approval process is available by making an appointment with the program chair. All Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies minors will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Dean of the Division of Exploratory Studies and Academic Success for approval for approval.
Minimum Requirements for Interdisciplinary Studies Minor: 18 credits
- A.A.S., Interdisciplinary Studies
- B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies
- B.A.A.S., Interdisciplinary Studies
- B.S., Interdisciplinary Studies
Interdisciplinary Studies (INDS)
INDS F400 Interdisciplinary Capstone
0 Credit
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Students identify their values, strengths, and post-graduation goals. They will prepare a resume and writing sample. Students will also be expected to develop and research an action plan to reach their stated goals. These materials have practical applications and facilitate self-reflection on the learning outcomes of their interdisciplinary degree.
Prerequisites: Admittance to an interdisciplinary major; senior standing.
Cross-listed with GENR F400.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
INDS F498 Research
1-9 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 98 times for up to unlimited credits