Business Administration

Business Administration Program
B.B.A., Business Administration
The business administration program offers professional education in finance, human resources, leadership and marketing. Effective business management requires subject matter knowledge that is both broad and deep. The business administration program prepares graduates to meet complex technical, economic and social problems and enables them to apply innovative and responsible leadership to the needs of industry and government.
The undergraduate and graduate business administration programs are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
Minimum Requirements for Business Administration Bachelor's Degree: 120 credits
Learn more about the bachelor’s degree in business administration, including an overview of the program, career opportunities and more.
Learn more about the online bachelor’s degree in business administration, including an overview of the program, career opportunities and more.
MBA, Business Administration
The College of Business and Security Management offers professional education applicable to the fields of management, finance, human resource management, international business, marketing, and scientific and technical management to individuals interested in entering industry or government.
The program prepares graduates to meet the complex problems of the technical, economic and social environment and enables them to provide imaginative and responsible leadership to industry and government.
The UAF program recognizes that competence in the practice of management necessitates education with both breadth and depth. The graduate program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
All applications will be reviewed to determine if the applicant has the required body of knowledge to begin MBA courses. Those deficient may be required to complete prerequisite modules prior to admission or prior to enrolling in specific courses.
Minimum Requirements for Business Administration MBA: 30 credits
Learn more about the master’s degree in business administration, including an overview of the program, career opportunities and more.
M.H.M.L., Healthcare Management and Leadership
The Master of Healthcare Management and Leadership offers management and healthcare administration courses to prepare students for leadership roles in the US healthcare sector including pharmaceuticals, consulting, medical device and health technology companies, hospital systems, insurance companies as well as non-profit and governmental organizations. Students will gain core competencies in healthcare ethics and policy, healthcare information systems, healthcare finance and economics, management, and leadership. A special emphasis is placed on addressing the challenges of providing and managing health care in remote settings.
Minimum Requirements for Healthcare Management & Leadership M.H.M.L.: 30 credits
Graduate Certificate, Healthcare Management and Leadership
The Healthcare Management and Leadership Graduate Certificate is for healthcare professionals seeking to gain specific skills in healthcare administration to advance their careers. The program includes four courses: Survey of Healthcare Administration, Healthcare Law and Ethics, Health Care Finance and Economics and Information Systems and Decision Making in Health Services. Graduates will apply foundational knowledge of the U.S. Healthcare system, effective data-driven decision-making, and managing and communicating with stakeholders to lead process improvement strategies that will better the overall health of the communities they serve.
Minimum Requirements for Healthcare Management and Leadership Graduate Certificate: 12 credits
- B.B.A., Business Administration
- MBA, Business Administration
- M.H.M.L., Healthcare Management and Leadership
Graduate Certificate
Business Administration (BA)
BA F151X Introduction to Business (s)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Main components: business organization, business theory and the nature of major business functions such as management, finance, accounting, marketing and personnel administration. Also, focus on methods and data required to research and analyze good business practices and decisions while developing these major business functions. Review professional business career opportunities/requirements.
Attributes: UAF GER Social Sciences Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F241 Advertising, Sales and Promotion
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Advertising, publicity, sales management, sales promotion, direct marketing and the interrelationships necessary for effective promotions in domestic or international, small or large, goods or services, and for-profit or nonprofit organizations.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F253 Internship in Business
1-3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Supervised work experience in an approved position related to the student's career interests or objectives. Number of credits depends on type of position and time worked. No student can count more than eight internship credits towards a degree.
Prerequisites: Approval of program or department head.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1-3 + 1-3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 3 times for up to 9 credits
BA F254X Personal Finance (s) (s)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
This course will allow students to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well-being. Personal finance concepts and information will be learned, as well as practical application that can empower to save, budget, avoid debt and spend wisely.
Special Notes: Students will take what is taught and start practicing sound financial habits throughout the semester that can serve well for a lifetime.
Attributes: UAF GER Social Sciences Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F280 Sport Leadership
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Provides leadership theory and develop leadership skills for application internal and external to their sport. Focus on the identification and development of leadership skills/abilities and application within the classroom, a sport and for an on-campus project.
Cross-listed with LEAD F280; SPRT F280.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F281X Introduction to Sport Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
An introduction to the field of sport management, including different segments, components and career paths within the industry. Topics such as collective bargaining, leadership in sports, legal aspects of sports, sports agents, sports analytics, sports marketing, stadium financing and the sociology of sports will be examined.
Cross-listed with SPRT F281X.
Attributes: UAF GER Social Sciences Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F307 Introductory Human Resources Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Introduction to management principles and personnel practice in industry, analysis of labor-management problems, methods and administration of recruiting, selecting, training and compensating employees, and labor laws and their applications.
Prerequisite: WRTG F111X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F308 Professional Development: How to Prepare for a Job and Other Survival Skills
1 Credit
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Learn how to compose and analyze essential business and personal communications with an emphasis on those related to the job search, including resumes, letters and emails. Learn and apply job seeking and career advancement skills related to interviews, business etiquette and personal brand.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X; BA F151X (may be taken concurrently), ACCT F261X (may be taken concurrently) or AIS F101 (may be taken concurrently).
Crosslisted with BAM F308.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F309 Professional Development: Finding a Career
1 Credit
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Further your understanding of business and personal communications, with an emphasis on communications used in the typical workplace, including letters, reports and memoranda. Learn and apply career advancement skills related social media presence, advanced interviewing techniques and site visits.
Prerequisites: WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; BA F308.
Cross-listed with BAM F309.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F310 Professional Development: Being Successful in Your Career
1 Credit
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Master the business and personal communications needed for career advancement and success in a typical work environment. Learn about negotiations, networking, meeting and presentation facilitation, on-the-job conflict management, ethics, using social media and interpersonal communications on the job.
Prerequisites: BA F308; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Cross-listed with BAM F310.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F317 Employment Law
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Basic personnel and human resource management law, including labor law and current management practices in administering collective bargaining agreements. Emphasis on the major federal and Alaska state laws affecting personnel management.
Prerequisites: BA F307 or concurrent enrollment; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F323X Business Ethics (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
A grounding in ethical theories and basic issues of moral thought, with examples which highlight the pitfalls in practical ethics which future managers are likely to face, and the need to design organizations so as to promote ethical behavior.
Prerequisites: Junior standing.
Attributes: UAF GER Ethics Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F325 Financial Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Time value of money, bond and stock valuation, capital budgeting, risk-return trade-offs and option pricing.
Prerequisites: ACCT F261X; ECON F101X; ECON F102X; ECON F227; MATH F122X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F330 The Legal Environment of Business
4 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
The judicial system, legal processes, administrative procedures, law of torts, contract and agency government regulation of business, business ethics, corporate social responsibility and the uniform commercial code.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 4 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F343 Principles of Marketing
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Management of a firm's marketing effort focusing on products, distribution, pricing and promotion to targeted consumers. Practices appropriate to domestic or international, small or large, goods or services, and for-profit or nonprofit organizations included.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; COM F131X or COM F141X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F360 Operations Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Operations management with an emphasis on systematic planning, design and operation of the processes that produce goods and deliver services that customers recognize to be of superior quality. Topics include operations strategy, process design, quality control, statistical process control, project scheduling, material requirements planning and just-in-time systems.
Prerequisites: AIS F101; ECON F227.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F375 Introduction to Esports Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall
This course is designed to introduce students to business concepts related to the esports industry. Students will be exposed to topics including: the definition of esports, content marketing, event management, management, governance and legal aspects of esports.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Cross-listed with SPRT F375.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F390 Organizational Theory and Behavior
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Understanding how and why organizations behave as they do, assessing whether the behavior is functional or dysfunctional, and learning to understand and change motivation, leadership, communications, group dynamics, conflict management, layout, technology, structure and policies to create high-functioning organizations.
Prerequisite: WRTG F111X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F391 Alaska Native Corporations: A Historical and Contemporaneous Perspective (an)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Explore management within Alaska Native Corporations to understand the cultural origins and behavioral adaptions unique to these organizations. Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, indigenous leadership, cultural anthropology, contrasting cultural values and managing and maintaining organizational culture will be covered.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X and junior standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F421 Business Analytics
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This class provides an introduction and application of data analytics in accounting and business contexts. Students will develop an understanding of analytic concepts and how they apply to the investigation of business data relationships and trends.
Prerequisites: ECON F227 or STAT F200X; ACCT F261X; MATH F122X, MATH F151X, MATH F156X, MATH F230X, MATH F251X, MATH F252X or MATH F253X.
Stacked with MBA F623.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F423 Investment Analysis
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Introduction to investment analysis. Presents an understanding of the investment environment and analytical tools in investing. Intended for undergraduate students.
Prerequisites: BA F325; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F424 Real Estate and Alternative Investments
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Develop skills required to value and finance residential and commercial real estate. Financing instruments, markets and taxation issues specific to real estate are covered in the first half; alternative investments such as REITs will be presented in the second half of the course.
Prerequisites: BA F325.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F435 Entrepreneurship
3 Credits
Offered Fall
This course will provide students with the steps toward starting and growing their own business and entrepreneurial ventures for other businesses. They will learn methods, mindset and approaches necessary to form a business. Upon completion, students will have the resources, behaviors and confidence to develop a new venture.
Prerequisites: BA F151X; ACCT F261X or BAM F352.
Crosslisted with BAM F435.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F436 Consumer Behavior (s)
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Effects of nationality, culture, social class, family, personality, symbolism and persuasion on consumptive behavior. Qualitative methodologies such as focus groups covered.
Prerequisites: BA F343 or PSY F330.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F440 Logistics
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and practices of logistics management. Topics include supply chain management, transportation, inventory management, warehousing and the use of technology in logistics. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how logistics contributes to an organization’s operational success.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; junior or senior standing.
Cross-listed with BAM F440.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F443 Social Media Marketing
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Learn the concepts, methods and practices of social media marketing (SMM) as applied by large firms, small businesses and non-profits. Prepare, implement and measure a social media marketing campaign. Covers consumer response, SMM campaign planning and measurement.
Prerequisites: BA F343; AIS F101.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F445 Marketing Research
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Basic processes and tools of marketing research emphasizing utilization of research findings as an integral part of the managerial decision-making process. Techniques of qualitative and quantitative data-gathering and analysis to solve marketing problems. Practices appropriate to domestic or international, small or large, goods or services, and for-profit or nonprofit organizations.
Prerequisites: BA F343; ECON F227; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; upper division Bachelor of Business Administration standing or permission of the SOM advisor.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F453 Internship in Business Administration
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
A supervised practical work experience that engages students in structured exploration of the business environment and an opportunity to demonstrate and apply previous coursework and prior learning to their current internship. Focus on applying previous learning, developing business acumen, and preparing for future employment. Admission requires approved job arrangements.
Prerequisites: Junior standing; cumulative 3.0 GPA in ACCT and BA courses.
Stacked with MBA F653.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 3 + 20
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F454 Student Investment Fund
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Hands-on experience in portfolio management. Students will be making investment and diversification decisions affecting the $1.6 million Student Investment Fund.
Prerequisites: COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X; BA F325 (may be taken concurrently); upper-division BBA standing; permission of the CBSM advisor or instructor.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F455 Portfolio Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
The second course involved with the hands-on management of the $1.2 million Student Investment Fund. Students will carry out the duties of officers of the fund and will be responsible for portfolio diversification and management decisions affecting the fund.
Prerequisites: BA F454; upper division BBA standing; permission of the SOM advisor or instructor.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F457 Training and Management Development
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Theory and practice of employee training programs, needs assessments, learning theories, instructional design, training techniques and evaluation, management development and career development techniques and practices.
Prerequisites: BA F307.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F460 International Business
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Relationships among nations with particular emphasis on the business, economic and socio-cultural institutions that influence the performance of managers. Formulation of objectives, strategies and organizational structures within the context of international diversity.
Prerequisites: COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X.
Recommended: Senior standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F461 International Finance
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Development of analytical skills, logical thought processes and information literacy necessary to make and implement investment decisions in a global setting.
Prerequisites: BA F325.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F462 Corporate Strategy
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
An integrative approach to strategy formation and implementation to achieve organization goals. Students will be introduced to theoretical perspectives and associated methodologies directed toward resolving the unstructured problems and opportunities which confront general managers at the highest levels of an organization.
Prerequisites: ACCT F262; BA F325; BA F343; BA F360; BA F390 or BA F391; COM F131X or COM F141X; ECON F101X; ECON F102X; upper-division BBA standing; or permission of the CBSM advisor.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F464 Project Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
This course is designed to cover key components of project management with emphasis on the practical approach to managing and delivering projects. We will focus on concepts, techniques, and best practices that allow the project manager to deliver simple or complex projects and lead project teams successfully.
Prerequisites: BAM F320 or BA F390; BAM F352 or ACCT F261X; WRTG F111X; BA F343; upper division standing.
Cross-listed with BAM F462.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F467 Current Topics in Management
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Examines current management trends with regard to major theories and practices in the field. Topics of interest could include organizational development, performance appraisal, personnel selection and international human resources management.
Prerequisites: BA F307; BA F390.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 3 times for up to 9 credits
BA F470 Leadership Theory and Development
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
A guide for interpreting leadership theory and research as well as practical advice on how to be a better leader. Reviews functional leadership theories, how the theories relate to one another and how students can apply the leadership theories to their own personal development.
Prerequisite: BA F390; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F472 Leading Change
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Explore how organizations to develop their capability and to achieve change, including the way change agents deal with conflicting demands. Learn the capabilities necessary to become a change agent within an organization and extend your understanding of key leadership theories.
Prerequisite: BA F390; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F480 Current Topics in Sport & Recreation Management
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course examines current trends in critical areas of sport & recreation business from a management perspective. Topics of interest include corporate social responsibility, climate change, diversity, media relations, and technology.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, WRTG F214X; SPRT F281X.
Cross-listed with SPRT F480.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F481 Event Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge pertaining to the various aspects of managing a public sport and/or entertainment event and their production. Topics discussed include economic impact, sponsorship, risk management, staff and volunteers, customer service, concessions, crowd management and technology.
Prerequisites: BA F343; BA F281X or SPRT F281X; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X.
Cross-listed with SPRT F481.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F482 Sport Marketing
3 Credits
Offered Spring
This course provides a decision-orientated overview of sport marketing management in sport organizations. This course is designed to acquaint students with comprehensive fundamental theories and issues in sport marketing, grounded within traditional marketing principles, and emphasizing unique application to the sport industry.
Prerequisites: BA F343; BA F281X or SPRT F281X; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X.
Cross-listed with SPRT F482.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F483 Sport and Recreation Sales
3 Credits
Offered Fall
This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge pertaining to the various aspects of sales and pricing techniques used within sport and recreation organizations. Some of the topics discussed include ticket distribution, customer service, software and real-life sales campaigns.
Prerequisites: BA F343, BA F281X/SPRT F281X; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X.
Cross-listed with SPRT F483.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F484 Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation Management
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course will focus on the three major areas of law that have a direct impact on the management of sport and recreation: tort liability and risk management; contract law; and constitutional law.
Prerequisites: SPRT F281X.
Cross-listed with SPRT F484.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F485 Sport and Recreation Facilities
3 Credits
Offered Fall
This course provides a foundation for the planning process, operations, and specific design features for various park, recreation, and sport facilities. This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to learn multiple aspects of sports facilities and the management of events held at these facilities.
Prerequisites: SPRT F281X, BA F281X, SPRT F280 or BA F280.
Cross-listed with SPRT F485.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F486 Entrepreneurship in Outdoor Recreation Industries
3 Credits
Offered Spring
This course is an introduction in the development and management of outdoor recreation businesses. Topics covered include business plan development, financial structures, and risk management specific to remote recreation businesses commonly found in Alaska, such as big-game commercial services, sport fishing operations, remote expediting, and aviation-related services.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; BA/SPRT F281X.
Cross-listed with SPRT F486.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F488 Sport Analytics
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
This course is an introduction to the application of analytical tools and techniques used within the sports industry. It will discuss theory, development, and application of analytics in the sports industry.
Prerequisites: SPRT F280 or SPRT F281X.
Crosslisted with SPRT F488.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F489 Public Sector Labor Relations
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Builds the knowledge and skills to manage effectively in a highly-unionized public sector context. Uses recent cases to explore the bargaining process, dispute resolution, contract administration and contemporary political and legal context.
Prerequisites: COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Special Notes: Completion of BA F307 is recommended but not required.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 7 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F490 Services Marketing Strategy
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Service industries like banking, healthcare and tourism are some of the largest and fastest-growing segments in the U.S. economy. Marketing a service or experience requires a different approach than promoting a product. This course explores strategies to increase customer satisfaction, improve service quality and build long-term customer relationships.
Prerequisites: BA F343.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
BA F491 Current Topics in Marketing
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Examines current marketing trends with regard to production, distribution, promotion, pricing and target markets. Focus on trends in Alaska, the U.S. and worldwide. Course may be repeated for credit when content varies.
Prerequisites: BA F343.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 3 times for up to 9 credits
Economics (ECON)
ECON F101X Principles of Microeconomics (s)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Presents the tools and concepts needed for analysis of economic decision-making at the level of the individual (consumer, firm, government), and explores how those decisions affect market outcomes. Explores the theory of prices and markets, industrial organization, public policy, income distribution, and contemporary problems of labor and business.
Attributes: UAF GER Social Sciences Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F102X Principles of Macroeconomics (s)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Theoretical approach to determination of the national income level and economic activity including coverage of the history of macroeconomic theory with special emphasis on economic growth, inflation, business cycles, international finance, and monetary and fiscal policy.
Attributes: UAF GER Social Sciences Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F111X The Economy of Rural Alaska (an)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Examine the significance of Alaska Native economies and their role in the modern Alaska economy. To include the challenges facing rural communities, and the role of social and cultural capital. Economic indicators which incorporate Alaska Native health, education, food, energy and resource security, and economic opportunity are evaluated also.
Attributes: UAF GER Social Sciences Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F120X Introduction to Economic Analysis (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of economic analysis and reasoning and provide you the tools to analyze the behavior of individuals, firms, communities and government under conditions of unlimited wants and scarce resources.
Prerequisites: Placement in WRTG F111X.
Attributes: UAF GER Social Sciences Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F227 Introductory Statistics for Economics and Business
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Introduces statistical theory and methods with an emphasis on economics and business applications. Includes descriptive statistics, probability and probability distribution, statistical inference and regression modelling.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F235X Introduction to Natural Resource Economics (s)
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Microeconomic principles and their application to natural resource issues. Topics include supply, demand, marginality, optimality, elementary production economics, economic rent and comparative advantage. These principles applied to agency budget allocation decisions, multiple use, resource valuation, conservation, market failure and public outdoor recreation problems.
Attributes: UAF GER Social Sciences Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F321 Intermediate Microeconomics (s)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Analysis of demand and supply under various market forms, cost and theory of production, factor pricing and theory of distribution and survey of welfare economics.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X; ECON F102X; MATH F122X or equivalent.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F322 Managerial Economics
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Interpretation of economic data and applications of economic theory in business firms. Bridging the gap between theory and practice through empirical studies, cases and decision problems. Emphasis upon decision-making using analysis of research data.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X; ECON F102X; MATH F122X or MATH F230X or equivalent.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F324 Intermediate Macroeconomics (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This is a one-semester undergraduate-level course in intermediate macroeconomics. We will study the concepts and measurement of income, analysis of aggregate demand and supply and their relation to the level of prices, employment and economic growth.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X; ECON F102X; MATH F122X or equivalent.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F327 Intermediate Econometrics for Forecasting and Business
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Extension of topics discussed in ECON F227. Understanding the fundamental theory underlying regression methods and learning how to appropriately apply these techniques in the analysis of economic and business problems. Simple and multiple regression and correlation, analysis of variance, forecasting techniques, quality control, nonparametric methods and decision theory.
Prerequisites: STAT F200X or ECON F227.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F335 Intermediate Natural Resource Economics (s)
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Topics include welfare economics and economic efficiency concepts, benefit/cost analysis, resource allocation over time, resource taxation, common property problems, externalities, public goods, valuation of non-market resources and land use planning issues.
Prerequisites: COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X; ECON F101X; ECON F102X or ECON F235X; MATH F122X, MATH F230X or equivalent.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F350 Money and Banking (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
The liquid wealth system in the United States, including the commercial banking system, the Federal Reserve System and nonbank financial institutions; the regulation of money and credit and its impact on macroeconomic policy objectives.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X; ECON F102X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F351 Public Finance (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Economic justifications for government; federal, state and local government, taxation, spending and debt; their effects on allocation, distribution, stabilization and growth.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X; ECON F102X; MATH F122X or equivalent.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F409 Industrial Organization and Public Policy (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
The relationship of market structure to the economic conduct and performance of firms and industries, the determinants, measurement and classification of market structure, public policy toward mergers, industrial and aggregate concentration.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X; ECON F102X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; MATH F122X, MATH F230X or equivalent; upper division standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F420 Labor Markets and Public Policy (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Application of labor market analysis and wage theory as they relate to public policy issues. Topics include determination of wages, taxation and employment, economic impact of unions, economics of discrimination, and issues relating to women's and minorities' changing roles in the labor market.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X; ECON F102X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F434 Environmental Economics
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
An extension of concepts introduced in ECON F235X, using a higher level of economic analysis. An analysis of the economic forces involved in environmental degradation, preservation and regulation. Topics include pollution, biodiversity, wilderness and climatic change.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X and ECON F102X or ECON F235X; MATH F122X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F439 Energy Economics (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Market forces and institutions affecting the allocation of energy resources. Special attention to intertemporal allocative decisions and the role that public policy plays in influencing the rate at which energy resources are used over time.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X and ECON F102X or ECON F235X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Stacked with ECON F639.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F451 Public Expenditure Analysis
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Purposes and economic effects of governmental expenditures, budgeting techniques, and their effects on resource allocation.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X; ECON F102X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; MATH F122X, MATH F230X or equivalent.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F463 International Economics (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Pure theory of international trade: comparative cost, terms of trade, and factor movements. International disequilibrium: balance of payments and its impact on national economy, capital movement and economic development through international trade.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X; ECON F102X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; MATH F122X, MATH F230X or equivalent.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F613 Resilience Internship
2 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Students of the Resilience and Adaptation Program participate in internships to broaden their interdisciplinary training, develop new research tools and build expertise outside their home disciplines. Internships are for eight to ten weeks of full time commitment and take place during the student's first summer in the program. In autumn students meet to discuss their internship experiences and make public presentations.
Prerequisites: ANTH F667, BIOL F667, ECON F667 or NRM F667; ANTH F668, BIOL F668, ECON F668 or NRM F668.
Cross-listed with ANTH F617; BIOL F613; NRM F613.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F616 Economics Background for Resilience and Adaptation
1 Credit
Offered As Demand Warrants
Provides the economics background that is necessary for understanding the role of economics in complex systems involving interactions among biological, economic, and social processes. Designed for incoming students of the Resilience and Adaptation Program (RAP), who have not received training in ecology.
Prerequisites: Graduate student enrollment.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
ECON F637 Evolution of Conservation Concepts and Policy
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Resource policy issues development and implementation including forestry, mining, fisheries, oil, wildlife and other topics as demand warrants. Focus on policy issues involved in management of Alaska's resources.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Cross-listed with NRM F637.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F639 Energy Economics (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Market forces and institutions affecting the allocation of energy resources. Special attention to intertemporal allocative decisions and the role that public policy plays in influencing the rate at which energy resources are used over time.
Prerequisites: ECON F101X and ECON F102X or ECON F235X; graduate standing.
Stacked with ECON F439.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F647 Sustainability in the Changing North
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Explores the basic principles of sustainability of environmental and social systems. Principles are applied across a range of scales from local communities to the globe, with an emphasis on examples in Alaska and the Arctic. Specific attention to the theory and practice of boundary spanning and knowledge coproduction.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Cross-listed with ANTH F647; BIOL F647; NRM F647.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F649 Integrated Assessment and Adaptive Management
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
An interdisciplinary exploration of the theoretical and practical considerations of integrated assessment and adaptive management. Students survey concepts important in understanding societal and professional-level decision-making. Students work as individuals and as a team to undertake case studies with relevance to integrated assessment and adaptive management.
Prerequisites: Graduate student standing in a natural science, social science or interdisciplinary program at UAF or another university.
Recommended: ANTH F647, BIOL F647, ECON F647, NRM F647; ANTH F667, BIOL F667, ECON F667, NRM F667.
Cross-listed with ANTH F649; BIOL F649; NRM F649.
Special Notes: In case of enrollment limit, priority will be given to graduate students in the Resilience and Adaptation Program in order for them to be able to meet their core requirements.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ECON F667 Resilience Seminar I
1 Credit
Offered As Demand Warrants
Provides a forum for new students of the Resilience and Adaptation graduate program to explore issues of interdisciplinary research that are relevant to sustainability. A considerable portion of the seminar is student-directed, with students assuming leadership in planning seminar activities with the instructor.
Prerequisites: Enrolled in Resilience and Adaptation Graduate Program.
Recommended: ANTH F647, BIOL F647, ECON F647 or NRM F647 (taken concurrently).
Cross-listed with ANTH F667; BIOL F667; NRM F667.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
ECON F668 Interdisciplinary Research Methods-Resilience Seminar II
1 Credit
Offered As Demand Warrants
Provides a forum for new students of the Resilience and Adaptation graduate program to explore issues of interdisciplinary research relevant to sustainability. The seminar provides support to each student planning his/her summer internship and preparing and presenting a thesis research prospectus.
Prerequisites: ANTH F647, BIOL F647, ECON F647 or NRM F647; ANTH F667, BIOL F667, ECON F667 or NRM F667.
Cross-listed with ANTH F668; BIOL F668; NRM F668.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
ECON F692 Seminar
1-12 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 98 credits
ECON F698 Non-thesis Research/Project
1-9 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
ECON F699 Thesis
1-9 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
Healthcare Management and Leadership (HML)
HML F636 Survey of Healthcare Administration
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Students will study the specialized area of business and healthcare administration, which involves everything from entrepreneurship (one provider in a private practice) to risk management (malpractice insurance, quality measures, etc.). Students will explore the dynamic field of healthcare and how it is changing rapidly with advancements in technology.
Cross-listed with MBA F636.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
HML F637 Information Systems and Decision Making in Health Services
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Overview of clinical and administrative health care data, their uses and impact on quality, cost and operations on a health care organization. The aim of the course is to gain skills to develop, manage and integrate clinical and administrative information, to support timely and informed decision making by all stakeholders.
Cross-listed with MBA F637.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
HML F638 Healthcare Law & Ethics
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Students will be introduced to major health care laws, regulations, professional and ethical principles, and industry standards governing health care structure and delivery. This includes health care fraud, professional licensing and credentialing, malpractice, compliance, quality, risk management and privacy and security of health information.
Cross-listed with MBA F638.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
HML F639 Healthcare Finance and Economics
3 Credits
Offered Spring
The first half of the course will focus on financial principles to individuals without a finance background as applicable to the healthcare sector. The second half of the course will delve into the economic drivers that influence the demand and supply of the health care industry.
Cross-listed with MBA F639.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
HML F641 Transforming Healthcare: Innovations and Strategies
3 Credits
Offered Spring
This advanced healthcare management capstone course provides a comprehensive exploration of critical topics in healthcare management, focusing on emerging technologies, remote monitoring, population health, value-based care and transformational change management. This course will challenge you to apply your understanding of these concepts to propose innovative solutions to real-world healthcare challenges.
Prerequisites: HML/MBA F636; HML/MBA F637; HML/MBA F638; HML/MBA F639; acceptance into the MHML or MBA program.
Special Notes: MHML capstone course.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Leadership (LEAD)
LEAD F280 Sport Leadership
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Provides leadership theory and develop leadership skills for application internal and external to their sport. Focus on the identification and development of leadership skills/abilities and application within the classroom, a sport and for an on-campus project.
Cross-listed with BA F280; SPRT F280.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
LEAD F456 Leaderships in Dangerous Contexts
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Course focuses on the challenges faced by leaders during crisis and emergency circumstances. During emergency circumstances, leading others, being able to influence and motivate them is critical. Topics including leadership and followership, crisis decision making, fear and emotion and the unique circumstances of an emergency manager/homeland security professional are examined.
Prerequisites: BA F390 or HSEM F301; WRTG F111X, WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Cross-listed with HSEM F456.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
LEAD F470 Leadership Theory and Development
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
A guide for interpreting leadership theory and research as well as practical advice on how to be a better leader. Reviews functional leadership theories, how the theories relate to one another and how students can apply the leadership theories to their own personal development.
Prerequisites: BA F390; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
LEAD F472 Leading Change
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Explore how organizations to develop their capability and to achieve change, including the way change agents deal with conflicting demands. Learn the capabilities necessary to become a change agent within an organization and extend your understanding of key leadership theories.
Prerequisite: BA F390; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Master Business Administration (MBA)
MBA F602 Accounting for Managers
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
An introduction to financial and managerial accounting. Focuses on identifying, accumulating and communicating financial information to management and other stakeholders for the purpose of making educated and rational business decisions.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program or permission of the MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F605 Contemporary Topics in Accounting
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
An advanced seminar designed to meet the accounting needs of managers. These topics can range from taxes to management control systems. May be taken twice for credit when topic changes.
Prerequisites: MBA F602; graduate standing; or permission of the MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 2 times for up to 6 credits
MBA F607 Human Resources Management
3 Credits
Offered Spring
The study of the effective management of human resources in organizations to include employee planning and recruiting, selection and orientation, training and career development, performance evaluation, compensation, EEO, occupational safety and health, and labor relations.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; or permission of the MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F617 Organizational Theory for Managers
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Overview of the history, concepts, literature and applications in organizational theory. Emphasis on applications and cases applying organizational theory concepts to management.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; or permission of the MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F620 Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Examination of modern normative portfolio theory and asset pricing. Includes mathematics of portfolio analysis, single-period risk and return measures, and the process of optimal portfolio selection.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; MBA F680; or permission of the MBA Director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F621 Economics for Managers
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
An introduction to principles of economics tailored to business managers. Topics include costs, demand, pricing, market structure, market equilibrium and strategic interaction. Applied principles of macroeconomics including money and banking, interest rates, trade and finance, are explored in the context of managerial decision-making.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program or permission of the MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F622 Managing in a Scientific or Technical Field
3 Credits
Offered Spring Even-numbered Years
An overview of managerial skills needed to succeed in a technical field (such as an engineering team or research lab), including leadership best practices for knowledge workers with diverse technical capabilities and evidence-based and data-driven management techniques. Explores unique aspects of the technical workplace, from intellectual property protection to capital-raising.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program, permission of the MBA director; undergraduate degree or work experience in a STEM discipline.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 6 + 0 + 9
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F623 Business Analytics
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This class provides an introduction and application of data analytics in accounting and business contexts. Students will develop an understanding of analytic concepts and how they apply to the investigation of business data relationships and trends.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program.
Stacked with BA F421.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F624 Controllership
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
An advanced course designed to meet the accounting needs of managers. Topics include evaluating the design and implementation of management control systems and making recommendations for efficiency and effectiveness, recognizing the ethical, environmental, legal/regulatory, political and social issues embedded within the design, evaluation and effective implementation of management control systems.
Prerequisites: MBA F602; Must be admitted to MBA program; or permission of MBA Director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F627 Business Law and Ethics
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Gain an understanding of the legal, ethical and practical aspects of business law. This course is intended to prepare graduate students for their roles as leaders in the business world by enhancing their ethical decision making and understanding of relevant law.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F630 Derivative Securities
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Derivative securities including options strategies, binomial and Black-Scholes pricing models, commodity and interest-rate futures, hedging strategies using options and futures, and risk management.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; MBA F620; or permission of the MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F632 Project Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
This course is designed to cover key components of project management fundamentals with emphasis on the project life cycle, project definition, project schedule and cost management, human resource allocation and the challenges facing project managers in every industry.
Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the MSDM or MBA program; or permission of MSDM or MBA program director.
Cross-listed with HSEM F632.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F633 Human Resources Analytics
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
An introduction to the theory of people analytics. This course will explore how data and models are used for decision-making in employee selection, compensation, and performance evaluations. Students will learn how and when data is used to make soft-skill decisions about hiring and talent development.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 6 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F634 Marketing Analytics
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course will explore introductory principles and strategies of data-driven marketing. Students will gain familiarity with common analytical methods, data management, and digital tools for applying marketing analytics.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 6 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F635 Storytelling with Data
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course introduces students to the visual representation and interpretation of data. Students learn to develop meaningful data visualizations for the appropriate audiences through the use of Tableau, Excel, and other data visualization tools.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 7 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F636 Survey of Healthcare Administration
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Students will study the specialized area of business and healthcare administration, which involves everything from entrepreneurship (one provider in a private practice) to risk management (malpractice insurance, quality measures, etc.). Students will explore the dynamic field of healthcare and how it is changing rapidly with advancements in technology.
Cross-listed with HML F636.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F637 Information Systems and Decision Making in Health Services
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Overview of clinical and administrative health care data, their uses and impact on quality, cost and operations on a health care organization. The aim of the course is to gain skills to develop, manage and integrate clinical and administrative information, to support timely and informed decision making by all stakeholders.
Cross-listed with HML F637.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F638 Healthcare Law & Ethics
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Students will be introduced to major health care laws, regulations, professional and ethical principles, and industry standards governing health care structure and delivery. This includes health care fraud, professional licensing and credentialing, malpractice, compliance, quality, risk management and privacy and security of health information.
Cross-listed with HML F638.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F639 Healthcare Finance and Economics
3 Credits
Offered Spring
The first half of the course will focus on financial principles to individuals without a finance background as applicable to the healthcare sector. The second half of the course will delve into the economic drivers that influence the demand and supply of the health care industry.
Cross-listed with HML F639.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F641 Information Assurance and Risk Assessment
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Overview of enterprise security, privacy and information security assessment and management, and cybersecurity. Concentration on tangible and intangible costs of risks and examination of information assurance and security risk assessment concepts. Students will understand how to assess information security risks and use that information to develop potential solutions.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in the MSDM or MBA program or certificates, or as approved by program director.
Cross-listed with HSEM F641.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F642 Economics of Environmental and Business Sustainability
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Examines the emerging role of business in responding to the economic challenges of achieving social and ecological sustainability. Investigates alternative measurements for evaluating the performance of the economy and the business and consumer sectors, including the triple bottom line model.
Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the MBA program.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F643 Marketing Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Provides managerial approach to examining processes for identifying prospective opportunities, and reviews marketing mix elements relating to planning, developing and implementing marketing plans. Topics include market segmentation, buyer behavior, product policy and strategy, pricing, promotion and sales force management, distribution channel policy, competitive behavior, market research and marketing ethics.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; or permission of the MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F645 Crisis Management
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
An in-depth review of crisis management to include the different crises an organization may face. The importance of an ethical and strategic response, developing a solid crisis management plan, strong crisis communication, and developing a crisis management team will be discussed.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in the MSDM, MBA or certificate program.
Crosslisted with HSEM F645.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F646 Business Continuity and Risk Assessment
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
In-depth analysis of business continuity to include risk analysis and plan assessment. Overview of potential risks from more than a natural disaster standpoint. The correct way to use risk analyzes while developing a continuity plan will be discussed. The importance of exercising and maintaining a plan will also be reviewed.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in the MSDM, MBA or certificate program.
Cross-listed with HSEM F646.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F647 Business Continuity Audit
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
As part of the business continuity cycle, audits of the business continuity system must be conducted. Topics for this class include: What an audit is, the framework for conducting, how to conduct an audit, the importance of auditing, and what and how the final product should be used.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in the MSDM, MBA or certificate program.
Cross-listed with HSEM F647.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F648 Perspectives in Addressing Cybersecurity & Critical Infrastructure
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
The course explores the nature of the critical infrastructure, the possible threats that exist or might exist and how they can be countered. Through case studies, we will examine the varied serious potential threats out there to the numerous critical infrastructures we have identified.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in the MSDM or MBA program or certificates, or as approved by program director.
Crosslisted with HSEM F648.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F649 Cyber Threats and Vulnerabilities
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course is focused on threats, vulnerabilities, patch management, incident response, and security operations to identify and protect against internal and external threats. Various security threats will be covered including hacker attacks, e-mail borne viruses, backdoor problems, and internal sabotage. Cybercrime, cybersecurity, and global information security will be discussed.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing in the MSDM or MBA programs, certificates, or as approved by program director.
Cross-listed with HSEM F649.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F653 Internship in Business Administration
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
A supervised practical work experience that engages students in structured exploration of the business environment and an opportunity to demonstrate and apply previous coursework and prior learning to their current internship. Focus on applying previous learning, developing business acumen, and preparing for future employment. Admission requires approved job arrangements.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program.
Stacked with BA F453.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 3 + 20
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F656 Strategic Leadership
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Focus on the understanding and application of strategic leadership. We will discuss the process by which leaders make decisions at the strategic level. We will use historical examples of strategic leaders and assess the success-- and failure-- of strategic leadership under the challenging and catastrophic scenarios.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing within the MSDM or MBA programs.
Cross-listed with HSEM F656.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F665 Strategic Collaboration
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course is designed to explore the techniques of collaboration and communication and their strategic use in managing contemporary organizations. Students will identify their own communication style and how to deploy it in various managerial situations. Topics will include exploring individual personality type and the effect of type on collaboration.
Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the MSDM or MBA program; or permission of MSDM or MBA program manager.
Cross-listed with HSEM F665.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F673 Innovation Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Overview of the skills a manager needs to administer an innovation systems and toolkit for dealing with various innovation issues in a broad business setting. Topics include creation innovation diversity; innovation dynamics, intellectual properties, technology/innovation commercialization, and innovation strategies.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or approval of the MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F674 New Venture Development
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Students will take a hands-on approach to commercializing their own or selected innovative ideas through focused study in several key areas of entrepreneurship, as well as learn how to assess and understand the industry, customers and competitors for a new venture.
Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the MBA program.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F675 Quantitative Methods for Managers
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
An in-depth treatment of quantitative research methods in an applied context. The usefulness of those techniques to the managerial decision-making process. Research skills are presented as a set of tools that enable managers to make better decisions.
Prerequisites: STAT F200X; admission to the MBA program; or permission of MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F680 Financial Markets and Strategy
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Overview of capital markets, major financial theories, and the valuation of financial instruments. Focus on how corporate financial decisions impact risk, operations and strategy of the firm.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; MBA F602; MBA F675; or permission of MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F681 Fixed Income Securities and Markets
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Fixed income securities and markets including treasury, agency, mortgage-backed and corporate securities, municipal bonds and derivatives. Introduces technical issues relating to duration, convexity and bond-portfolio management.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; MBA F630; or permission of MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F682 Financial Statement Analysis
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
How to comprehend and critically evaluate financial statements. Building on topics introduced in a first-year course in financial accounting, analyze additional disclosures typically included in financial statements. These activities will be useful in tasks related to valuation, credit decisions, competitor assessment and bankruptcy predictions.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; or permission of MBA director.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F683 Advanced Topics in Marketing
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Current topics and issues in marketing management, such as political and services marketing, marketing communications, marketing in Alaska or other relevant subjects.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; MBA F643; or permission of MBA director.
Special Notes: May be taken twice for credit when topic changes.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 2 times for up to 6 credits
MBA F690 Corporate Strategy
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
An integrative approach to strategy formation and implementation (decision-making) to achieve organization goals. Students will be introduced to theoretical perspectives and associated methodologies directed toward resolving the unstructured problems and opportunities which confront general managers at the highest levels of an organization.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; MBA F602; MBA F617; MBA F621; MBA F675; MBA F680 (may be taken concurrently); or permission of MBA director.
Special Notes: MBA F690 is an advanced seminar taken during the student's last spring semester.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
MBA F691 Advanced Topics in Business
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Developing managers' ability to excel in specialized areas of business such as entrepreneurship and risk management.
Prerequisites: Admission to the MBA program; or permission of MBA director.
Special Notes: May be taken twice for credit when topic changes.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 2 times for up to 6 credits
MBA F692 Seminar
1-6 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1-6 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 99 times for up to 99 credits
MBA F692P Seminar
1-6 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1-6 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 99 times for up to 99 credits
MBA F698 Research
1-9 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 99 times for up to 99 credits
MBA F699 Thesis
1-9 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 99 times for up to 99 credits
Sport Management (SPRT)
SPRT F280 Sport Leadership
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Provides leadership theory and develop leadership skills for application internal and external to their sport. Focus on the identification and development of leadership skills/abilities and application within the classroom, a sport and for an on-campus project.
Cross-listed with LEAD F280; BA F280.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F281X Introduction to Sport Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
An introduction to the field of sport management, including different segments, components and career paths within the industry. Topics such as collective bargaining, leadership in sports, legal aspects of sports, sports agents, sports analytics, sports marketing, stadium financing and the sociology of sports will be examined.
Cross-listed with BA F281X.
Attributes: UAF GER Social Sciences Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F375 Introduction to Esports Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall
This course is designed to introduce students to business concepts related to the esports industry. Students will be exposed to topics including: the definition of esports, content marketing, event management, management, governance and legal aspects of esports.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Cross-listed with BA F375.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F480 Current Topics in Sport & Recreation Management
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course examines current trends in critical areas of sport & recreation business from a management perspective. Topics of interest include corporate social responsibility, climate change, diversity, media relations, and technology.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, WRTG F214X; SPRT F281X.
Cross-listed with BA F480.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F481 Event Management
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge pertaining to the various aspects of managing a public sport and/or entertainment event and their production. Topics discussed include economic impact, sponsorship, risk management, staff and volunteers, customer service, concessions, crowd management and technology.
Prerequisites: BA F343; BA F281X or SPRT F281X; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X.
Cross-listed with BA F481.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F482 Sport Marketing
3 Credits
Offered Spring
This course provides a decision-orientated overview of sport marketing management in sport organizations. This course is designed to acquaint students with comprehensive fundamental theories and issues in sport marketing, grounded within traditional marketing principles, and emphasizing unique application to the sport industry.
Prerequisites: BA F343; BA F281X or SPRT F281X; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X.
Cross-listed with BA F482.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F483 Sport and Recreation Sales
3 Credits
Offered Fall
This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge pertaining to the various aspects of sales and pricing techniques used within sport and recreation organizations. Some of the topics discussed include ticket distribution, customer service, software and real-life sales campaigns.
Prerequisites: BA F343, BA F281X/SPRT F281X; COM F121X, COM F131X or COM F141X.
Cross-listed with BA F483.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F484 Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation Management
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course will focus on the three major areas of law that have a direct impact on the management of sport and recreation: tort liability and risk management; contract law; and constitutional law.
Prerequisites: SPRT F281X.
Cross-listed with BA F484.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F485 Sport and Recreation Facilities
3 Credits
Offered Fall
This course provides a foundation for the planning process, operations, and specific design features for various park, recreation, and sport facilities. This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to learn multiple aspects of sports facilities and the management of events held at these facilities.
Prerequisites: SPRT F281X, BA F281X, SPRT F280 or BA F280.
Cross-listed with BA F485.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F486 Entrepreneurship in Outdoor Recreation Industries
3 Credits
Offered Spring
This course is an introduction in the development and management of outdoor recreation businesses. Topics covered include business plan development, financial structures, and risk management specific to remote recreation businesses commonly found in Alaska, such as big-game commercial services, sport fishing operations, remote expediting, and aviation-related services.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X; BA/SPRT F281X.
Cross-listed with BA F486.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
SPRT F488 Sport Analytics
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
This course is an introduction to the application of analytical tools and techniques used within the sports industry. It will discuss theory, development, and application of analytics in the sports industry.
Prerequisites: SPRT F280 or SPRT F281X.
Crosslisted with BA F488.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Dr. Jungho Baek
Professor, Business Administration
213B Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Haiwei Chen, CFA
Associate Professor, Business Administration
225F Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Dr. Lily Dong
Professor, Business Administration
208B Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Dr. Mark Herrmann
Associate Dean for Accreditation and Development
203A Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Crystal Hill-Pennington
Instructor, Business Administration
208A Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Dr. Ping Lan
Professor, Business Administration
218A Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Kim McGinnis
Program Director, Master's of Business Administration
Assistant Professor, Business
219B Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Dr. Gerardo Miranda Reina
Assistant Professor, Business Administration
213D Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Kris Racina
Program Director, Bachelor's of Business Administration
Instructor, Business
225D Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Sherri Wall
Instructor, Business Administration
213C Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Dr. Thomas (Xiyu) Zhou, Ph.D., C.M.A.
Professor, Business Administration
218B Bunnell Building
Troth Yeddha' Campus