
Department Overview
The Art Department encourages and promotes independent, original, innovative and critical thinking skills and prepares students for a career in art. The department endeavors to provide an environment of artistic and academic excellence in the visual arts. By design it provides the student the opportunity to explore, research and master skills needed for many art careers. The department serves a vital community role in enriching the Alaskan humanities through the promotion of all aspects of visual arts, from traditional to contemporary including Alaska Native art and history.
The department designs, develops and implements programs that encourage and foster new ways of seeing as part of the Alaska aesthetic. Department faculty teach the means, modes and history of art to encourage independent, original, critical and creative thinking. Students enrolled in art studio classes are provided technical skills and access to facilities required to create fine art in varied disciplines in diverse media. Students are prepared for careers in art and the department operates a gallery for the presentation of student, faculty and special exhibitions The gallery provides opportunity for academic and career development with an emphasis on professional presentation of works. The department also serves as a resource center for artists and arts groups. Emphasis is placed on Alaska Native Arts, given the university’s location and the diversity of Native cultures represented in the student body and the value placed upon Alaska Native culture and art in the North.
B.A., B.F.A., Art
The art program encourages independent, original and creative thinking while recognizing the role and responsibility of the fine arts within the humanities.
The B.F.A. degree is professionally oriented and designed to prepare students for careers in art. It is the usual prerequisite for graduate studies in art. Admission requires a portfolio review by the art faculty, generally done in the student’s junior year. Enrollment in the B.F.A. program is recommended only for students who are willing to make a considerable commitment of time and energy necessary to achieve professional competence in their major areas. Career opportunities for B.F.A. graduates include artist, designer, arts administrator, art teacher, gallery and museum administrator, and computer-related fields.
Minimum Requirements for Art Bachelor's Degrees: B.A.: 120 credits; B.F.A.: 120 credits
Learn more about the bachelor’s degree in art, including an overview of the program, career opportunities and more.
M.F.A., Art
The M.F.A. degree provides artists with the necessary background to compete for state, national and international positions. Career opportunities include placement in state and federal arts organizations, galleries, museums, colleges and universities. This degree includes exposure to contemporary art world issues, the historic role of the artist and northern art. The M.F.A. degree in visual art is a terminal degree. Study is two-thirds in studio art. The degree culminates in a solo gallery exhibition.
Minimum Requirements for Art Master's Degree: 60 credits
Art (ART)
ART F105X Beginning Drawing (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
This is an introductory class that introduces students to fundamental drawing concepts, materials, techniques, vocabulary, functions, and range of visual aesthetics. No prior experience with drawing is required or expected.
Attributes: UAF GER Arts Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F127 Introduction to Weaving (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Fundamentals of weaving taught through basic techniques and processes for four-shaft loom woven structures. Includes loom terminology and function, warping and threading, basic pattern drafting and designing, color and texture. Introduces tapestry techniques.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F161 Two-dimensional Digital Design (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
This course provides an introduction to design principles and digital skills necessary for fine arts students. The course covers fundamentals of visual design, drawing, and painting techniques on computer. Special fees apply.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F162 Color and Design (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Fundamentals of pictorial form, color principles and interactions. Emphasis on traditional art media rendered two dimensionally on paper. This course is recommended for students becoming B.A., B.F.A. Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking majors.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F163 Three-dimensional Design (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
This hands-on course introduces fundamental concepts and organization of three-dimensional forms, including applied art and industrial design. Various materials such as wire, clay, silicone, and paper are explored. This course is recommended for students becoming B.A. or B.F.A. Art majors and students interested in exploring material manufacturing processes.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F200X Explorations in Art (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Understanding and appreciation of art through exploration of its diverse styles, influences and developments. Topics include the creative process, artistic forms of expression, historical and cultural contexts, the role of the artist in society and popular movements and trends.
Attributes: UAF GER Arts Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F201 Beginning Ceramics (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Foundation experience with clay. Overview of the medium of ceramics and its possibilities.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
ART F205 Intermediate Drawing (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Exploration of pictorial composition and creative interpretation of subjects.
Prerequisites: ART F105X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F207 Beginning Printmaking (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Concepts and techniques of printmaking. Subject areas taken from relief, intaglio, serigraphy and lithography.
Prerequisites: ART F105X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F209 Beginning Metalsmithing and Jewelry (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Basic techniques of fine metalsmithing and jewelry.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F211 Beginning Sculpture (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Basic sculpture techniques and principles.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; ART F161, ART F162, ART F163.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F213 Beginning Painting (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
This course will address painting techniques in a variety of mediums. Emphasis will be placed on composition, painting materials and hazardous waste procedures. The techniques covered in this course will prepare students for future study in upper division courses and help them develop a professional portfolio of work.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; ART F162.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F220 Cartoon and Comic Arts I (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Introductory studio art class on sequential art - telling a story with images and text - focusing on the basic elements of creating cartoon and comic art features. Exploration of all stages in production with emphasis on the conceptual and developmental process, as well as drawing and storytelling skills.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F223 Watercolor Painting (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Painting in various transparent and opaque media (watercolor, tempera, polymer, casein). Emphasis on techniques and subjects.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; ART F161, ART F162, ART F163.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F227 Woven Fabric Design (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Continuation of ART F127. Exploration of color and texture in loom structures. Includes basic fiber technology and color theory. Topics vary each semester and include blocks, units, laces, twills and R.A.G.S. recycle. Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes.
Prerequisites: ART F127.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F231 Cinematic Previsualization and Preproduction (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Develop a cinematic concept from screenplay through storyboard, animatic, schedule, budget, website and pitch. Understand the elements of pre-production and previsualization as it applies to dramatic narrative film production. Apply those skills in developing original pre-production content for screen.
Cross-listed with FLPA F231.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F233 Beginning Field Painting (h)
1 Credit
Offered As Demand Warrants
This introductory course combines painting at outdoor locations with supporting lectures and indoor studios. Students will use drawings and small painted studies to produce finished oil/acrylic paintings. Concepts of space, light, color, composition, scale and elements of landscape paintings such as reflections, aerial and linear perspective will be addressed.
Prerequisites: Recommended: ART F105X; ART F213.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0.5 + 1.5 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F240 Beginning Molding and Casting Iron for Sculpture and Design (h)
1 Credit
Offered Summer
This course will present the student with an individualized level of self-expression, style, and the mastery of the fundamental techniques involved in creating molds for sculptural application. The students are introduced to hot and cold casting methods for use in multimedia projects and traditional iron designs.
Prerequisites: ART F163.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0.5 + 1.5 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F261X History of World Art I (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Origins of art and its development from the beginning through contemporary painting, sculpture and architecture. ART F261X - ART F262X may be taken in reverse order; however, course content is presented in a chronological sequence beginning with fall semester.
Attributes: UAF GER Arts Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F262X History of World Art II (h)
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Origins of art and its development from the beginning through contemporary painting, sculpture and architecture. ART F261X - ART F262X may be taken in reverse order; however, course content is presented in a chronological sequence beginning with fall semester.
Attributes: UAF GER Arts Req
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F268 Alaska Native Art Studio I (an, h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Studio art course exploring the practice of traditional and contemporary Alaska Native art forms; including design, technology, and cultural expression. Rooted in experiential learning, students will learn by creating and utilizing tools specific to Alaska Native cultures. A strong emphasis will be placed on gaining technical skills and traditional knowledge.
Cross-listed with ANS F268.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F271 Beginning Computer Art (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Basic techniques of computer art. The course covers basic animation, motion graphics, digital painting and digital design.
Prerequisites: ART F161.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F283 Basic Darkroom Photography (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Photography fundamentals, including use of an adjustable camera, film and exposure techniques, filters and flash techniques. Darkroom procedures including black and white film processing and printing, photograph design and composition. Students must have use of an adjustable camera.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F284 Basic Digital Photography (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Introduction of technical and aesthetic aspects of basic digital photography using digital SLR cameras and editing photos through Adobe Photoshop suites. Students are expected to have intermediate computer knowledge. Topics include controlling digital SLRs on manual settings, photographing creatively, basic and advanced editing techniques, negative scanning and digital printing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F301 Intermediate Ceramics (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Continuation of beginning ceramics. Emphasis on developing proficiency in ceramic studio practices and processes.
Prerequisites: ART F201.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
ART F305 Advanced Drawing (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Development and refinement of individual problems in drawing. Can be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F205.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 20 times for up to 999 credits
ART F307 Intermediate Printmaking (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Continuation of ART F207 with emphasis on refinement of technique and color printing.
Prerequisites: ART F207.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F309 Intermediate Metalsmithing and Jewelry (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Further investigation of material processes and techniques; some emphasis on design.
Prerequisites: ART F209.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F311 Intermediate Sculpture (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Exploration in materials and concepts of sculpture. Emphasis on personal creativity and skill development.
Prerequisites: ART F211.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F313 Intermediate Painting (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Continued development of expressive skills in painting in any media. Emphasis on pictorial and conceptual problems.
Prerequisites: ART F213.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F333 Intermediate Field Painting (h)
1 Credit
Offered As Demand Warrants
This intermediate course combines painting at outdoor locations with supporting lectures and indoor studios. Students will use drawings and small painted studies to produce finished oil/acrylic paintings. Concepts of space, light, color, composition, scale and elements of landscape paintings such as reflections, aerial and linear perspective will be addressed.
Prerequisites: ART F213, ART F233.
Recommended: ART F105X; ART F205.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0.5 + 1.5 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F347 Lighting Design (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Principles and techniques of theatrical lighting design. The student will conduct practical experiments and design projects applying the experience gained. Student will spend approximately $40 for materials for this class.
Prerequisites: COM F131X or COM F141X.
Recommended: FLPA F241.
Cross-listed with FLPA F347.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F360 Indigenous Art and Culture (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Examination of art as a medium of cultural criticism, knowledge, wisdom, learning, and expression of social, spiritual, ecological, and aesthetic relationships in Indigenous societies of North, Central and South America, Africa, Eurasia, Australia and Oceania, and the Arctic.
Cross-listed with ANTH F360.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F363 History of Modern Art (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Development of modern art forms and theories in the visual arts from the late 19th century to the present. Concentration on the artistic pluralism of 20th century art forms: Cubism, Futurism, Surrealism, Expressionism, Constructivism, Nonobjective Art, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Realism and many other "isms."
Prerequisites: ART F262X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F364 Italian Renaissance Art (h)
3 Credits
Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years
Development of the Renaissance from early Florentine to the High Renaissance of Venice. Study of art by Massacio, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Titian, etc.
Prerequisites: ART F261X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F365 Alaska Native Art History (an, h)
3 Credits
Offered Spring Even-numbered Years
The material culture of Alaska Native people from pre-colonial times to the present. Students will explore the effects of colonialism on the art forms of different Alaska Native cultural groups. Students will have an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing histories of Alaska Native art through group research projects.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.
Cross-listed with ANS F365; ANTH F365.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F366 Northwest Coast Indian Art (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Arts of the Northwest Coast Indians and the place of art in their culture.
Cross-listed with ANS F366; ANTH F366.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F367 Inuit Art (an, h, s)
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Indigenous art from Northern Alaska, Canada, Greenland and the Bering Strait region of Russia, from the earliest known to contemporary.
Cross-listed with ANS F367; ANTH F367.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F368 Alaska Native Art Studio II (an, h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
This course is a continuing exploration of the designs, technologies, and meanings of the diverse Alaska Native arts. Through the creative process, students will start examining the complex issues of creating art within a cultural context. A strong emphasis will be placed on developing a student's individual style.
Prerequisites: ANS F268 or ART F268.
Cross-listed with ANS F368.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F371 Digital Imaging (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
This course focuses on creating and manipulating digital images, including digital painting and photography. The varied ethical issues engendered by this expertise will be addressed in depth. Skills and knowledge useful for digital photography, digital video compositing and digital painting will be covered.
Prerequisites: ART F161, ART F271, ART F284 or FLPA F260.
Cross-listed with FLPA F371.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F401 Advanced Ceramics (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
Emphasis on developing as aesthetically perceptive and technically proficient ceramic artist. Individual and group projects include kiln firings. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F301.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 999 credits
ART F402 Anthropology of Art (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Anthropological study of art in cross-cultural perspective. Social context of art production and use and cross-cultural variations in definition of an artist's role.
Prerequisites: Senior standing.
Cross-listed with ANTH F402.
Stacked with ANTH F602, ART F602.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F407 Advanced Printmaking (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Individual development of technical and creative processes. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F307.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 99 times for up to 300 credits
ART F409 Advanced Metalsmithing and Jewelry (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Materials and processes; introduction to holloware skills and forging. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F309.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 20 times for up to 999 credits
ART F411 Advanced Sculpture (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Principles, practices and concepts of sculpture. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F311.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 999 credits
ART F412 Portrait Photography
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course will teach the student who has basic or advanced exposure and printing skills to further their understanding of the principles and techniques of portrait photography. Students will work with SLR or DSLR cameras and editing through a digital photo suite such as Adobe Photoshop.
Prerequisites: ART F284.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F413 Advanced Painting (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Individual experimentation and technical/conceptual development in painting. Can be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F313.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 99 times for up to 300 credits
ART F417 Lithography (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
An exploration of stone and metal plate lithography. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; ART F207.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 999 credits
ART F418 Current Topics in Printmaking (h)
1-3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Concepts and techniques of printmaking. Subject areas will explore an in-depth study of one of the following processes: collagraph, monotype, relief, intaglio, serigraphy, lithography and digital media integration. Topics announced prior to each semester. A variety of selected techniques will be introduced, along with mixed applications.
Prerequisites: ART F207.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2.5 + 2.5 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 99 times for up to 300 credits
ART F419 Life Drawing (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Drawing from life; study of artistic anatomy. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F305.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 999 credits
ART F420 Cartoon and Comic Arts II (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Advanced studio art class on sequential art - telling a story with images and text - focusing on the basic elements of creating cartoon and comic art features. Exploration of all stages in production with emphasis on the conceptual and developmental process, as well as drawing and storytelling skills.
Prerequisites: ART F305.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 10 times for up to 30 credits
ART F424 Field Artists of the North (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Study of field artists and their work, from explorer artists of yesteryear to today's field artists using varieties of traditional and contemporary media in their creations. Students will conceive and conduct their own study projects, producing a body of work that will demonstrate the principles and practice of field artists.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; a studio art course (ART F161, ART F162, ART F163, ART F205, ART F211, ART F213 or ART F283); COM F131X or COM F141X.
Cross-listed with ACNS F424.
Stacked with ART F624; ACNS F624.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F425 Visual Images of the North
3 Credits
Offered Spring Even-numbered Years
This course examines the images of the peoples and landscapes of the Circumpolar North. It centers on documentary and artistic goals, translations from original sketches to published images, the relationship between Arctic imagery and prevailing historical styles, and the influences of changing worldviews on modes of Northern representation and expressions.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X or WRTG F214X.
Cross-listed with ACNS F425.
Stacked with ART F625; ACNS F625.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F427 Relief (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Woodcut and monotype with emphasis on color. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; ART F207; ART F213.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 999 credits
ART F433 Advanced Field Painting (h)
1 Credit
Offered As Demand Warrants
This advanced course combines painting at outdoor locations with supporting lectures and indoor studios. Students will use drawings and small painted studies to produce finished oil/acrylic paintings. Concepts of space, light, color, composition, scale and elements of landscape paintings such as reflections, aerial and linear perspective will be addressed.
Prerequisites: ART F313, ART F333.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0.5 + 1.5 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 4 times for up to 9 credits
ART F437 Intaglio (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Intaglio printmaking with emphasis on experimentation and color photo intaglio printing. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; ART F162; ART F207.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 999 credits
ART F440 Advanced Molding and Casting Iron for Sculpture and Design (h)
1 Credit
Offered Summer
This course will present the student with an individualized level of self-expression, style, and the mastery of the different techniques involved in creating molds for sculptural application. The students are continuing to develop hot and cold casting skills for use in multimedia projects and traditional iron designs.
Prerequisites: ART F211.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0.5 + 1.5 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 4 times for up to 4 credits
ART F447 Silkscreen (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Silkscreen printing with photo process. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; ART F162; ART F207.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 999 credits
ART F453 Kiln Design and Construction (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Kiln design and construction including building and firing a kiln. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F201.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 999 credits
ART F456 Ceramic Materials
3 Credits
Offered Fall Even-numbered Years
A thorough understanding of the materials used to make clay bodies and glazes is an essential tool for the ceramic artist. Through lectures, readings and lab work the student will better understand how different materials work together and how to safely utilize these materials in their own artistic practice.
Stacked with ART F656.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F460 Cross-cultural Filmmaking (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Explore filmmaking through cultural knowledge, decolonized methodologies, and documentary filmmaking techniques to create content reflective of cultural and/or scientific knowledge. Develop film work with a theoretical base for cultural understanding, scientific communications, and educational potentials. Basic pre-production, production, and post-production processes will be explored within a multi-cultural communications framework.
Prerequisites: Junior, senior or graduate standing.
Cross-listed with ANTH F460; FLPA F460.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F463 Seminar in Art History (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall
A forum for discussion of a particular historical period or art historical idea. Topics vary each semester and will not be repeated during a two-year period. Topics include art since 1945, women in twentieth-century art, the American landscape tradition, etc.
Stacked with ART F663.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 3 times for up to 9 credits
ART F464 History of Photography (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course will provide an exploration of the history, impact and development of the photographic process, spanning from the earliest observations of optics, through the development of the first permanent image, and all the way to the most recent advances in digital technology.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X.
Stacked with ART F664.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F465 Advanced Photography Seminar
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Advanced discussion of photojournalism and photographic topics with field, studio and darkroom sessions. Topics will range from the photographic essay to the history of photography and working in series. Weekly classroom meetings will be supplemented by field, studio and darkroom sessions.
Prerequisites: ART F283 or ART F284.
Stacked with ART F665.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F467 Photoprocess Printmaking (h)
3 Credits
Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years
Production of etchings, lithographs and silkscreen prints using photo mechanical processes. Elements of electrophotography and desktop publishing explored. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; ART F207; ART F262X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 999 credits
ART F468 Alaska Native Art Studio III (an, h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Students will refine their artistic practice guided with in-depth mentorship from faculty. Through individualized study, students will continue their exploration and development of their artwork within a cultural context. Strong emphasis will be placed on the individual development of a body of artwork inspired by the cultures they draw from.
Prerequisites: ART F368.
Cross-listed with ANS F468.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 6 times for up to 18 credits
ART F469 Architecture: Art, Design, Technology and Social Impact (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Concepts of environmental, urban and industrial design. Relationship of human and natural environment is stressed in this history of architecture with special attention given to contemporary conditions in urban areas and effects of industrialization and mechanization on human living and working spaces, artistic design and aesthetics.
Prerequisites: (ART F261X and ART F262X) or HUM F201X; WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, WRTG F214X.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F470 Handmade Photographs
3 Credits
Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years
This course will introduce students to a wide array of historical photographic techniques and alternative processes while also providing contextual historical and contemporary information about each process. Processes covered include: Pinhole Camera Construction, Lumen Printing, Chemigram, Photogram, Cyanotype, Van Dyke Brown, Albumen and various transfer methods.
Stacked with ART F670.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F471 Advanced Digital Design (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Project-oriented class in graphic design with applications from journalism to fine and commercial art. Students will be expected to have a background in programs likely to include web design, digital photography and graphic design.
Prerequisites: ART F371; one college-level studio art course.
Special Notes: May be repeated for credit with permission of the instructor.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 10 times for up to 30 credits
ART F472 3D Animation (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Concept and technique of 3D computer generated animation with applications in fine and commercial art and science. Students will produce a series of three dimensional animation projects which will introduce them to the tools and concepts used by animation and visualization professionals.
Prerequisites: ART F231, FLPA F231, ART F271.
Cross-listed with FLPA F472.
Special Notes: May be repeated for credit.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 5 times for up to 15 credits
ART F474 History of the Role of the Artist (h)
3 Credits
Offered Spring Even-numbered Years
Survey of theory and practices of professional training and education of the artist in relationship to political, social and philosophical conditions.
Prerequisites: WRTG F111X; WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, WRTG F214X.
Recommended: ART F261X; ART F262X.
Stacked with ART F673.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F475 Digital Video Compositing (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Digital compositing techniques for creating moving imagery. The course covers video manipulation, layering images, synthesizing realistic video imagery, integration of live action and computer generated animation. Course can be repeated for a total of nine credits with permission of instructor.
Prerequisites: ART F472, FLPA F472.
Cross-listed with FLPA F475.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 9 credits
ART F476 Advanced Digital Photography Portfolio (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
This class provides students with the concept of producing a professional digital portfolio of their Commercial and/or Art Photography and/or Photojournalism. Students submit new images each week for editing and critique. Over the semester three smaller bodies of work will become a 20-24 image professional portfolio.
Prerequisites: ART F284.
Cross-listed with JOUR F476.
Stacked with ART F676, JOUR F676.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 3 times for up to 9 credits
ART F483 Advanced Darkroom Photography (h)
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Continuation of ART F283. Emphasis on continuing development of photographic skills by application of basic technical skills to a variety of areas of photography.
Prerequisites: ART F283.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F484 Multimedia Theory and Practice (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Study of techniques needed to produce multimedia content for a special university or community agency project. Digital multimedia may include animation, video, text, audio and/or performance to create interactive or dynamic content for a wide variety of applications. plus some mastery of a specialty in writing, art, or television production.
Prerequisites: Understanding of computer graphics programs like Illustrator, Freehand, etc.
Cross-listed with FLPA F485.
Stacked with ART F684; FLPA F685.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F487 Digital Darkroom
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Students will develop advanced photo editing and digital darkroom skills and create quality prints through Photoshop, Lightroom and other image techniques.
Prerequisite: ART F284.
Stacked with ART F687.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 5 times for up to 15 credits
ART F488 Professional Practices for Visual Artists
3 Credits
Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years
This class provides a foundation of practical information for students as they begin to consider various career options in the visual arts. Topics include documentation, websites, promotion and description, exhibit installation methods, marketing, developing application materials for residencies and grants, as well as issues of health and safety.
Prerequisites: Junior standing.
Stacked with ART F688.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F489 Bachelor of Arts Capstone (h)
0 Credit
Offered Fall and Spring
This capstone course is the culmination of a student's general studies in the visual arts. This course will give students hands-on experience in preparing an art exhibition, resume, artist's statement and portfolio.
Prerequisites: Admittance to the art program, senior standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
ART F490 Current Problems
3 Credits
Offered Fall Even-numbered Years
A forum for discussion of aesthetic and professional problems confronted by artists. Instructor and students moderate discussion and students investigate topics. Past semesters included: approaches to figuration of contemporary painting and sculpture, health hazards for the professional artist, portfolio development, gallery access, production far from major cultural centers, etc.
Stacked with ART F690.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 98 times for up to unlimited credits
ART F491 Fine Art Seminar (h)
1 Credit
Offered Fall and Spring
This course is a studio critique for BFA and MFA students. The course is structured as a hybrid seminar/critique, with weekly readings, discussions, and studio critique sessions. The course also includes writing assignments as an integrated element of contemporary studio practice preparing students for their solo exhibition.
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the BFA program.
Stacked with ART F691.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 12 times for up to 12 credits
ART F492 Seminar
1-6 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1-6 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F498 Undergraduate Research
1-3 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1-3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 99 credits
ART F499 Thesis Project
1-3 Credits
Directed work toward individual exhibition; completed outside regularly scheduled classes. Required for B.F.A. candidates.
Prerequisites: Senior standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 3 credits
ART F601 Ceramics
1-6 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Exploration of selected topics in ceramics with lectures, demonstrations, independent research and production of ceramics at a level commensurate with graduate standing. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 40 credits
ART F602 Anthropology of Art (s)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Anthropological study of art in cross-cultural perspective. Social context of art production and use and cross-cultural variations in definition of an artist's role.
Prerequisites: Senior standing.
Cross-listed with ANTH F602.
Stacked with ART F402, ANTH F402.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F603 Graduate Photography
2-6 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Exploration of selected topics in photography, with lectures, demonstrations, independent research and production of photography at a level commensurate with graduate standing. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 2-8 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 18 credits
ART F605 Drawing
1-6 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Exploration of topic in general drawing with lectures, demonstrations and independent research and production of drawing at a level commensurate with graduate standing. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: ART F305; and graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 40 credits
ART F607 Printmaking
1-6 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Exploration of selected topics in printmaking with lectures, demonstrations, independent research and production of printmaking at a level commensurate with graduate standing. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 40 credits
ART F609 Metalsmithing
1-6 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Exploration of selected topics in metalcraft with lectures, demonstrations, independent research and production of metalcraft at a level commensurate with graduate standing. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 40 credits
ART F611 Sculpture
1-6 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Exploration of selected topics in sculpture with lectures, demonstrations, independent research and production of sculpture at a level commensurate with graduate standing. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 40 credits
ART F613 Painting
1-6 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Exploration of selected topics in painting with lectures, demonstrations, independent research and production of painting at a level commensurate with graduate standing. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 40 credits
ART F619 Life Drawing
1-6 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Exploration of selected topics in drawing with lectures, demonstrations, independent research and production of drawing at a level commensurate with graduate standing. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 40 credits
ART F624 Field Artists of the North (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Study of field artists and their work, from explorer artists of yesteryear to today's field artists using varieties of traditional and contemporary media in their creations. Students will conceive and conduct their own study projects, producing a body of work that will demonstrate the principles and practice of field artists.
Prerequisites: ART F105X; a studio art course (ART F161, ART F162, ART F163, ART F205, ART F211, ART F213 or ART F283); COM F131X or COM F141X.
Cross-listed with ACNS F424.
Stacked with ART F424; ACNS F624.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F625 Visual Images of the North
3 Credits
Offered Spring Even-numbered Years
This course examines the images of the peoples and landscapes of the Circumpolar North. It centers on documentary and artistic goals, translations from original sketches to published images, the relationship between Arctic imagery and prevailing historical styles, and the influences of changing worldviews on modes of Northern representation and expressions.
Cross-listed with ACNS F625.
Stacked with ACNS F425; ART F425.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F633 Graduate Field Painting (h)
1 Credit
Offered As Demand Warrants
This graduate course combines painting at outdoor locations with supporting lectures and indoor studios. Students will use drawings and small painted studies to produce finished oil/acrylic paintings. Concepts of space, light, color, composition, scale and elements of landscape paintings such as reflections, aerial and linear perspective will be addressed.
Prerequisites: ART F413; ART F433.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 6 + 21 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 9 credits
ART F656 Ceramic Materials
3 Credits
Offered Fall Even-numbered Years
A thorough understanding of the materials used to make clay bodies and glazes is an essential tool for the ceramic artist. Through lectures, readings and lab work the student will better understand how different materials work together and how to safely utilize these materials in their own artistic practice.
Stacked with ART F456.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F661 Mentored Teaching in Art
1 Credit
Offered Fall and Spring
Mentored teaching provides consistent contact of course-related issues between teaching assistants and mentoring faculty. Graduates are required to be enrolled in a mentored teaching section while teaching.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Special Notes: May be repeated for credit.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 98 times for up to unlimited credits
ART F663 Seminar in Art History
3 Credits
Offered Fall
A forum for discussion of a particular historical period or art historical idea. Topics vary each semester and will not be repeated during a two-year period. Topics include art since 1945, women in twentieth-century art, the American landscape tradition, etc.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Stacked with ART F463.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 3 times for up to 9 credits
ART F664 History of Photography (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
This course will provide an exploration of the history, impact and development of the photographic process, spanning from the earliest observations of optics, through the development of the first permanent image, and all the way to the most recent advances in digital technology.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Stacked with ART F464.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F665 Advanced Photography Seminar
3 Credits
Offered Spring
Advanced discussion of photojournalism and photographic topics with field, studio and darkroom sessions. Topics will range from the photographic essay to the history of photography and working in series. Weekly classroom meetings will be supplemented by field, studio and darkroom sessions.
Prerequisites: ART F283 or ART F284.
Stacked with ART F465.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F668 Alaska Native Art Studio
1-6 Credits
Offered Fall and Spring
Through individualized study, students will refine their artistic practice guided with in-depth mentorship from faculty. Through the creative process and deep critical feedback, students will learn to define how their artwork is connected to the cultures they draw upon. Students will develop critical dialogue along with their studio practice.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 12 times for up to 36 credits
ART F670 Handmade Photographs
3 Credits
Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years
This course will introduce students to a wide array of historical photographic techniques and alternative processes while also providing contextual historical and contemporary information about each process. Processes covered include: Pinhole Camera Construction, Lumen Printing, Chemigram, Photogram, Cyanotype, Van Dyke Brown, Albumen and various transfer methods.
Stacked with ART F470.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F671 Two- and Three-dimensional Computer Design
1-6 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Visualization and animation with applications to two- and three-dimensional computer design and typography. Emphasis on visual design for electronic and print publication. Includes animation of the components of 3-D models. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: ART F471; graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 40 credits
ART F672 Advanced Computer Visualization in Art
1-6 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Computer visualization in art with production and reproduction of projects chosen from a wide range of topics. Includes lectures, demonstrations and laboratory experience. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken unlimited times for up to 40 credits
ART F673 History of the Role of the Artist (h)
3 Credits
Offered Spring Even-numbered Years
Survey of theory and practices of professional training and education of the artist in relationship to political, social and philosophical conditions.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Stacked with ART F474.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F676 Advanced Digital Photography Portfolio (h)
3 Credits
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer
This class provides students with the concept of producing a professional digital portfolio of their Commercial and/or Art Photography and/or Photojournalism. Students submit new images each week for editing and critique. Over the semester three smaller bodies of work will become a 20-24 image professional portfolio.
Cross-listed with JOUR F676.
Stacked with ART F476, JOUR F476.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 2 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 3 times for up to 9 credits
ART F684 Multimedia Theory and Practice (h)
3 Credits
Offered As Demand Warrants
Study of techniques needed to produce multimedia content for a special university or community agency project. Digital multimedia may include animation, video, text, audio and/or performance to create interactive or dynamic content for a wide variety of applications. plus some mastery of a specialty in writing, art, or television production.
Prerequisites: Understanding of computer graphics programs like Illustrator, Freehand, etc.
Cross-listed with FLPA F685.
Stacked with ART F484; FLPA F485.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 3 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F687 Digital Darkroom
3 Credits
Offered Fall
Students will develop advanced photo editing and digital darkroom skills and create quality prints through Photoshop, Lightroom and other image techniques.
Prerequisite: ART F284.
Stacked with ART F487.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 5 times for up to 15 credits
ART F688 Professional Practices for Visual Artists
3 Credits
Offered Spring Odd-numbered Years
This class provides a foundation of practical information for students as they begin to consider various career options in the visual arts. Topics include documentation, websites, promotion and description, exhibit installation methods, marketing, developing application materials for residencies and grants, as well as issues of health and safety.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Stacked with ART F488.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
ART F690 Current Problems
3 Credits
Offered Fall Even-numbered Years
A forum for discussion of aesthetic and professional problems confronted by artists. Instructor and students moderate discussion and students investigate topics. Past semesters included: approaches to figuration of contemporary painting and sculpture, health hazards for the professional artist, portfolio development, gallery access, production far from major cultural centers, etc.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
Stacked with ART F490.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 3 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 98 times for up to unlimited credits
ART F691 Fine Art Seminar (h)
1 Credit
Offered Fall and Spring
This course is a studio critique for BFA and MFA students. The course is structured as a hybrid seminar/critique, with weekly readings, discussions, and studio critique sessions. The course also includes writing assignments as an integrated element of contemporary studio practice preparing students for their solo exhibition.
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the MFA program.
Stacked with ART F491.
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 12 times for up to 12 credits
ART F692 MFA Seminar
3 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 98 times for up to unlimited credits
ART F698 Non-thesis Research/Project
1-9 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 0 + 0 + 0
Grading System: Letter Grades with option of Plus/Minus
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 98 times for up to unlimited credits
ART F699 M.F.A. Thesis Project
1-9 Credits
Lecture + Lab + Other: 1 + 4 + 0
Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
Repeatable for Credit: May be taken 98 times for up to unlimited credits
Miho Aoki
Associate Professor of Digital Art
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Sasha Bitzer
Assistant Professor of Printmaking & Painting
Jim Brashear
Professor of Ceramics
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Patricia Carlson
Adjunct Instructor in Metalsmithing
Wendy Ernst Croskrey
Professor of Sculpture
On Sabbatical for
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Mareca Guthrie
Associate Professor
University of Alaska Museum of the North
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Somer Hahm
Adjunct Instructor in Drawing
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Scott Holladay
Adjunct Instructor in Sculpture
Zoë Marie Jones
Associate Professor of Art History
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Lisa Kljaich
Adjunct Instructor in Explorations in Art
Jason Lazarus
Term Instructor of Photography
Bunnell 114
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Charles Mason
Professor of Photography
Bunnell 105B
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Da-ka-xeen Mehner
Professor of Native Art, Current Department Chair
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Igor Pasternak
Adjunct Instructor in Drawing & Inuit Art
Teresa Shannon
Adjunct Instructor in Ceramics
Jamie Smith
Term Assistant Lecturer in Drawing
Troth Yeddha' Campus
Indi Walter
Adjunct Instructor in Drawing & Sculpture
Jessica Zaydak
Adjunct Instructor in Art History